“No. The roads are closed. We were trying to call you to tell you to come home immediately before the last bus went out.”

I glance at Liam. His face pales as his parents tell him the news.

“What? How…? What do we do? How are we going to get back home?”

“Take a deep breath and relax, sweetie. Liam’s parents and your dad and I think it’s best you guys stay at a hotel until the roads clear up. Hopefully by tomorrow.”

“A hotel?”

“Yes. Find something close to the convention—don’t venture too far. And watch over each other.”

I swallow and look at Liam again, watching him nod, seeming totally cool and collected.

We’re in an unfamiliar town with people we don’t know.

“Chloe, did you hear me?” Mom asks.


“Keep in touch with us,” Dad says when Mom puts the phone on speaker. “Let us know where you are and what you’re doing.”


“You guys better find something quick,” Mom says. “All the hotels will probably fill up quickly.”

“I’ll call you later.”

“We love you.”

“Me, too.”

I hang up and turn to Liam. He’s searching for nearby hotels on his phone. As soon as he finds one, we make our way to it.

“Wow,” I say as I take in the buckets and buckets of rain slamming into the sidewalk. My hood’s not really doing much to protect me from this crazy rain. And it’s freeeeezing.

Liam wraps an arm around me, pulling me close like he wants to shield me from the rain. Neither of us brought umbrellas.

“You’re getting wet.” I try to pull away from him.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind. You okay?”

“I think so. I’m a little scared to be in an unfamiliar place and so far from my family, but I’m happy you’re with me.”

He smiles, though it’s hard to see through this heavy rain. “I feel the same. The hotel should be…there.”

We quickly head inside. The person at the counter tells us they’re booked. Darn it. Liam and I go from hotel to hotel. Mom was right—places are filling up. We can’t find anything.

“There’s a motel a few blocks away,” Liam says as he scans his phone. “And that’s pretty much it. We gotta run if we want a room.”

We jet to the place like our lives depend on it. It’s not as close to the convention as our parents would probably want, but what else can we do?

We’re completely soaked as we push our way into the motel and to the front desk.

There’s a college-aged woman behind the counter, who gives us a kind smile. “Hello, welcome. How can I help you?”

“We’re looking for two rooms, please,” Liam says. “Preferably near each other, if that’s possible.”

She clicks on the computer, tapping her fingers on the counter. “Let’s see…Hmm…I have only one room available.”