“I thought it was a bug.”

He chuckles. “A shiny bug.”

I laugh, too. “Maybe aSwords and Legendsbug.”

With another laugh, he glances at the time on his phone. “It’s lunchtime. I don’t think there are any events for another hour. Want to eat? I’m kind of hungry.”

“Okay. Is there anything good around here?”

“Yeah. I found an Indian food restaurant online. Only a few blocks away.”

“Sounds yummy. But what about our costumes? Will we look weird walking into the restaurant? I mean, I’m not a human.”

“I’m sure there will be tons of people coming in dressed as elves.”


The Indian food is delicious, but all Liam and I want to do is get back to the convention. There are still so many performances to see and events to participate in.

The hours fly by so fast, and we still haven’t had time to buy anything.

Finally, finally, we have a chance to browse around and shop.

“Oh wow, did you see this?” I march over to a row of snow globes, each of them in the theme of the show. “Xavier would love to add one of these to his collection.”

“Yeah. But which one? There are so many to choose from.”

Liam and I spend a few minutes searching through the many, many options. I know he has a fewSwords and Legendssnow globes, so we’re trying to find him something unique that he hopefully doesn’t have. We finally settle on the epic finale of the last season, where Xavier’s favorite character, Selos, faces off with a hydra.

“Wow, I can’t believe how detailed this is.” I marvel at the hydra heads. “They look just like in the episode.”

“He’s going to love it.”

Liam and I split the payment and ask the guy to wrap it for us. Then we continue browsing through the items. There are so many things here, you can literally spend days.

“These stuffed animals are so cute,” I say as I look through them. “You think Aidan’s little sister might like this?”

Liam twists his nose. “I don’t know. Lexi is into ocean life animals. She might not appreciate it.”

“Yeah. And everything is so expensive. Ooh, look! Katilyn’s wand.” I pick it up and wave it before Liam. “I banish you to the outer realms, Jinper of the Morrow Lands. Begone, son of darkness!”

Liam spins around and then vanishes from sight.

I laugh as he comes back over. “Want it?” he asks.

I look at the price. “Forty dollars? Ugh, tempting, but nope.”

“Are you going to buy something for yourself?”

I shrug. “Maybe a T-shirt. I’d rather buy stuff for our friends because they missed out. What about you? See anything you like?”

He scans around and shrugs. “We’ll see.”

We continue browsing, and at some point, I feel like I might lose my mind because there is just so much stuff. But my eyes widen to extreme proportions when I find a stall with rows and rows of books.

“Oh my gosh.” I hurry over and touch the spines. “They have books based on the show?”

“Just recently published,” the man at the stall says. “They’ll be released to the public in a few months. But fans can buy advanced copies here.”