“I want to stay with Xavier and his grandpa. But you guys should still go.”

“What?” Chloe asks. “We’re not going without you.”

“Xavier wants you to. He told me to tell you not to worry about his grandpa and to go and have fun.”

I shake my head. “Of course we’re worried about Spencer. He’s like our second grandfather.”

“I know. But what’s the point of you guys not going? It won’t make his grandfather better. And you know Spencer wouldn’t want your lives to stop because of him.”

Chloe and I exchange a glance.

“Xavier insists that you go,” Lily says. “He wanted me to go, too, but I want to be there for him. But you guyshaveto go. Have fun for us.”

“Are you sure?”

She lifts a brow. “Have you checked your texts?”

I grab my phone from my bed and read my texts. Xavier has sent many messages telling me that if I don’t go, he’ll ban me from watchingSwords and Legendsagain.

It’s not like he can stop me, but I get it. He doesn’t want Chloe and me to miss out because he can’t make it.

“Okay,” I say with a nod. “If it means that much to him.”

“It does. Take tons of pics and videos.”

Chloe hugs her. “We will.”

I furrow my brows. “You think Mom and Dad will let us go on our own? Crap. We’ll have to take the bus.”

Lily heads for the door. “Let’s ask.”

After Mom and Dad discuss it with Chloe’s parents, they agree to let us go. Taking the bus will delay us by an hour. I still feel bad that Xavier and Lily can’t go, but at the same time, I’m excited to go with Chloe. And we’ll keep my sister and my best buddy in mind as we enjoy the convention.

“See ya tomorrow,” Chloe says as I walk her to the door. “Bright and early. Super, super early.”

I laugh. “Super, super, super early. Don’t forget to bring your costume.”

Her eyes sparkle. “I won’t. Don’t forget yours.”

“Believe me, I won’t. And I’ll pack us enough food for the bus ride. Healthy and non-healthy snacks. And mark my words, sous chef, one day I’ll persuade you to eat broccoli.”

I’ve been trying to get her to taste my broccoli dishes for weeks, but she’s too stubborn.

She smiles, though it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Darn that darn secret admirer.


My alarm blasts in my ears before the sun is even up.

Groaning, I roll onto my side and shut my eyes. My phone keeps blaring. I want to slam my hand on it to shut it up, but if I do that, I’ll be late for the convention.

Muttering under my breath that this convention is so not worth it (complete lie), I drag myself out of bed and get dressed.

I make my way downstairs and find Mom sitting in the dark.

“You’re up?” I ask her.

She jumps, clutching her heart.