“Uh…” He reaches into his pocket for his phone and starts tapping it in. “Yeah. I’ll tell him.”


Tears prick my eyes as I leave the classroom and press my back against the lockers. I’m trying so hard not to cry because I don’t want this guy—whoever he is—to have such a strong hold over me. But the tears seep out of my eyes and rain down my cheeks.

I’m so stupid. I actually thought…

My secret admirer is a coward. I’m a fool to think I could have an epic love story with a happily ever after. Those things only happen in books and movies. I bet the person behind the letters isn’t even a real person. Maybe Paisley or her crew. Are they watching me have a meltdown? When I glance around the hallway, I don’t find anyone here. Still, I’m starting to believe the secret admirer isn’t real. Definitely not my soulmate.


My friends, Xavier, and Aidan stand before me with concerned expressions. I must look like a wreck standing here with tears pouring down my face.

I quickly wipe my eyes. “Sorry.”

“What happened?” Lily steps closer. “Did you talk to Derek?”

“I did. It’s not him.”

“What do you mean?” Willow asks.

“He’s just the messenger. The guy is bribing him to slip the letters into my locker.”

“What?” they all gasp.

I nod. “And Derek refused to tell me his identity, no matter how much I begged.” More tears burst from my eyes. “I’m such an idiot.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” Ava gathers me in her arms. “You’re not an idiot. You’re one of the smartest people I know.”

“He’s not real,” I cry into her shoulder.

“Who said he’s not?” Lily wraps her arms around the both of us. “There’s still someone writing you the letters and poems. Someone who’s too shy to tell you who he is. There’s still hope, Chloe. You can still find your dream guy. Don’t give up on him.”

“What if it’s Paisley?”

“It’snot,” Lily says.

“They’re right,” Liam says. “I don’t think you should give up on him.”

I slowly remove myself from their arms and stare at him. “Liam…? But you…”

“I know,” he says, concern floating in his eyes. “I’ve never been a fan of him. And the truth is that I wish I could slam my fist into his jaw. But seeing you like this…I want you to have your happily ever after. I want you to have your dream guy. So I’m with the others—don’t give up on him yet. Not until you know his true identity.”

I shake my head as I wipe my eyes. “I told Derek to give the secret admirer a message. Either he reveals himself to me, or I’m done. I can’t live like this anymore.”

Willow hugs her. “That’s good. If he’s real and serious, he’ll step up and do the right thing.”

I nod as I bury my face in her shoulder. “I just wish it didn’t hurt so much.”

Chapter Twenty-One


It’s been nearly a week since I confronted Derek Chen, and I haven’t heard back from the secret admirer. No letters. No poems. Nothing.

I lie in bed Thursday night, trying not to agonize over it. I kind of gave him an ultimatum—either step up or step out. Does he not like me enough to show me who he is?

I can’t help but put some of the blame on myself. Maybe I pushed too hard. Maybe I was too demanding. I mean, he obviously wasn’t ready to reveal himself, and I basically forced him to either do something he wasn’t comfortable with, or give up on me.