“Oh my gosh.” I’m in a daze as I pace Willow’s room. “That explains everything. Why he’s so nervous to reveal himself to me. Because he’s afreshman.” I drop down on Willow’s bed and cover my face. “I thought he would be this romantic guy who’d sweep me off my feet and…” I sigh. “This is not how I imagined this would go.”

“And this is why he should have revealed himself to you,” Liam says.

“Chloe.” Lily sits down next to me and takes my hand. “Why does it matter how old he is? You don’t care about things like that. You always look at the inside of a person, never judging them on the outside. Derek Chen is a sweet and nice guy. He might be the right one for you.”

“I don’t mean to sound like a snob,” I say. “But a freshman…he’s so young. I want someone serious, someone my age. Someone I can have a mature relationship with. Someone I can fall in love with. Derek Chen…I’m probably just his crush.”

Ava sits on my other side and takes my free hand. “Maybe give him a chance? He might be more mature than you think.”

“I guess that’s true.” I glance at Liam. “What do you think?”

He sighs as he lowers himself on the chair next to me. “I don’t know what to think, honestly. I’m relieved he’s not Paisley or a jerk from school. But I don’t know anything about this kid. And to be even more honest? I doubt he’s looking for a serious relationship at fourteen years old.”

“Maybe he’s fifteen,” Ava offers.

“Even if he wants to have a relationship with you, I don’t think he’s mature enough. Maybe in a few years.”

“The only way for you to know is to talk to him,” Willow says.

I gape at her. “You mean…confront him?”

She nods. “Maybe he’ll surprise you and be even more mature than you.”

“If that’s the case, would you give him a shot?” Lily asks.

“If he’s mature and sweet and kind and has all the qualities I’m looking for?” I muse. “Yeah. I’d give him a shot.”

Lily cheers. “Yay! Hopefully he is and Chloe will finally start living her dream.”

“Don’t pump her up with too much hope,” Liam says. “Chloe, you need to be careful. Guard your heart before it gets hurt.”

I nod. “I will, thanks. We need to practice what we’ll say to him tomorrow.”

“We?” Willow asks.

“You guys aren’t coming with me?”

“Heck no,” Ava says. “You need to talk to him yourself.”

“Yeah, we would only scare him away,” Lily adds.

“You can do it, Chloe,” Willow encourages. “Be honest with him. If anything, you guys can start off being friends and take it from there.”

“That’s true,” Lily says. “If he’s not ready now, he might be in a few months.”

“Or years,” Liam says. “Two, to be exact.”

Lily whacks his arm.

Standing, I start pacing again. “Okay. Confront him tomorrow. The worse that could happen is that we won’t speak to each other again, right?”

“Yeah.” Willow nods. “And you can move on with your life.”

“And meet a real man,” Liam mutters.

Lily whacks him again.

“Thanks for all your help, guys. I don’t think I would be able to do this without—”