I squeeze her hand, returning her smile. “Ready. But before we start, let me email Mrs. Duncan the good news.”


We watch the video a few times to make sure it’s as perfect as it can be. And not to pat myself on the back, but the recipe is solid. Chloe and I had a lot of fun explaining the dish and hopefully showing off my talent.Ourtalent, because like I said, I wouldn’t be able to do this without her.

“And sent!” Willow says. “This is so awesome.”

Yeah. It is.

“My brother, the famous chef!” Lily squeals. “There will be crowds of people lining up to eat at your restaurant.”

I give her a look. “I think we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves. It’s just a competition.”

“That could change your life,” Ava reminds me.

“Okay. But as much as I appreciate your support, can we please not make a big deal about it? It’s making me really nervous.”

“Sure, but we’ll need to prep for the competition,” Chloe says. “What dishes to make and all that.”

I nod slowly. “Wow. I’m actually doing this.”

My friends cheer and wrap their arms around me.

“What’s up with you?” Evie asks as she and Noah stand in the doorway to the kitchen. “What was all that commotion? And sheesh.” She gawks at the state of the kitchen. “What have you done to this place?”

When we explain everything, Noah and Evie are very excited for me. They wish me luck before Evie nods curtly at Noah and goes up to her room.

“How’s the project coming along?” Ava asks him.

His jaw clenches. “We got it done. That’s what matters. You want a lift home, Chloe? I’m leaving now.”

“Okay. Let me grab my stuff.” She runs upstairs and returns a minute later with her school things. “Bye, guys.” She hugs each of us, and when her arms are around me, she whispers, “I’m so proud of you. And excited.”

Drawing back, I give her a shy smile. “Thanks, and thanks so much for doing it with me. I wouldn’t be able to step foot in there if you weren’t by my side.”

She smiles warmly. “Of course.”

“Chloe?” Noah says. “We need to get going. I promised my friends I’d meet up with them soon.”

She nods. “See you later, guys.” She waves, then she and her brother leave the house.

The rest of us clean up the kitchen. When Mom and Dad come home, we tell them about the competition and that I’ve decided to enter.

Dad wraps an arm around me. “Liam, that’s great.”

I smile. “Thanks, but I’m not crossing my fingers.”

Mom hugs me. “Why do you think you have less of a shot at winning than anyone else, sweetie?”

I shrug. “Because there are more talented cooks out there.”

“That’s not true.” She hugs me close. “Whatever happens, know that you’re wonderful and we love you. Can we see the video?”

Willow brings them over to her laptop and Dad and Mom smile as they watch us. Mom kisses my cheek. “We’re so proud of you, Liam.”

I shrug again. “Why? It’s not like I won.”

“Because you’ve overcome your fear and have decided to compete,” Dad explains. He bends close. “Remember what we talked about? Strength and bravery that goes beyond muscles?” He pushes some hair away from my eyes. “I’m happy and honored to call myself your dad.”