Chloe: No, you just care. Thanks for looking out for me.

Liam: Always.

Chloe: Sorry aboutSwords and Legends. You can watch without me.

Liam: That’s okay. I’ll go bake something or work out or read a book. See ya tomorrow.

Chloe: See you.

I drop my phone on my bed and stare at it, like I’m blowing a hole through it. Letting out a sigh, I slide off my bed and go to the kitchen. I wouldn’t be able to focus on a book, so looks like the family will be eating cupcakes tonight.

Chapter Eighteen


The Junior Musketeers are meeting at my house after school for book club because the heat at school isn’t working. Practice has been canceled as well. As much as I love basketball, I’ve missed hanging out at the club with my peeps.

Ava’s driver, Peter, will drive us. I follow the girls toward the school doors, when a voice calls, “Liam?”

I turn around and find Mrs. Duncan standing there. She’s the teacher for the life, responsibility, and growth class we have at Edenbury High—LRG for short. The class teaches students the skills they’ll need to navigate life and adulthood. I took her class last year, which included some cooking lessons. I loved her class and would have taken it this year, too, but it conflicted with my other classes.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” she asks.

“Sure. Wait for me in the car, guys,” I tell my friends before walking over to her. “Hi, Mrs. Duncan.”

She smiles. “Liam, how are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Great. I have good news. Have you heard of the Young Chefs of Tomorrow?”

“Yeah. It’s a cooking competition where teens from Edenbury and a few other towns compete for a scholarship to culinary school.” Each qualifying school sends its top student. “Jacklyn’s competing, right?” She’s a senior and was in the class with me last year.

“Unfortunately, Jacklyn had to pull out of the competition. Which means there’s an open slot and I’d like you to fill it.”

I gape at her. “What? Me?”

“Yes. You’re a very talented cook, Liam. I’m sorry to spring this on you so suddenly. The competition is only two weeks away.”

I’m hardly listening to her because my head is spinning. Me, compete in a cooking contest?

“You don’t have to make any decisions now,” she tells me. “But I need your answer by Monday. Here is all the information.” She hands me a packet, then places her hand on my shoulder. “I think you should really consider it, Liam. This could open many doors for you.”

“Thanks. Yeah, I’ll think about it.”

She nods with a smile and walks off, leaving me with my head a mess. A cooking competition…?

When I first found out about it, I didn’t think much of it. I knew there were many talented cooks at my school. And when Jacklyn was chosen, I was happy for her. She dominated our class. But is Mrs. Duncan insinuating I’m second best? While I want to believe in myself, I know I have a long way to go before I’ll ever be good enough.

Somehow, I make it out of the building and to the parking lot, where my friends are seated in the car.

Peter tips his hat and opens the door for me. I thank him and climb in. As he drives us toward my house, the only thing I think about is the competition, barely listening to my friends as they chat.

“Liam, why are you so quiet?” Lily asks.

I can’t talk, so I hand her the packet Mrs. Duncan gave me.

“Wait, you’re entering a cooking competition?” she asks.