My eyes widen. “Right! How was it?”

A horn honks.

Evie gestures for me to get in the car. I can see Lily in the back seat.

“Darn it. She’s so impatient,” I mutter. “You got a ride home?”

She glances at her phone. “My dad’s supposed to pick me up, but he’s running late. Maybe half an hour. Maybe more.”

I point my thumb at the car. “Evie can drop you off.”

Chloe twists her nose. “It’ll take time away from her precious artwork,” she teases.

“She loves you like a sister and I know she wouldn’t mind giving you a lift. And you can tell us all about your first day as the awesome new editor-in-chief of the Edenbury High Times.”

She smiles, her cheeks red. “I don’t know about the awesome part…”

“Yes. Awesome.”

She doesn’t argue as she follows me to Evie’s car, texting her dad to let him know she got a ride.

“Finally,” Evie grumbles. “Lily was getting impatient.”

Lily’s jaw drops. “No. I’m the most patient person right now.”

“Okay, okay. Get in, sibling one and Chloe,” Evie says.

Chloe bends her head in. “You really don’t mind dropping me off?”

Evie waves her hand. “‘Course not.”

Chloe and I get in the back. “Xavier’s not taking you home, Lil?” Chloe asks. “No special alone time with your boy in his car today?” With their busy schedules and Mom and Dad watching them like hawks, they take advantage of whatever privacy they can.

She shakes her head. “He had to pick up his mom and grandfather from the doctor.”

“Is Spencer okay?” I ask.

“As okay as he can be, considering his situation. But Xavier told me he’s constantly making his lame grandpa jokes, so that’s good.”

I smile encouragingly.

On the ride home, Chloe tells us about her first day as editor-in-chief. She was very nervous in the beginning, worried no one at the paper would take her seriously. But they respected her and listened to her.

Sighing happily, she leans her head on the seat. “I think it’s the start of something beautiful.” She frowns. “Though I bet Paisley will do anything to try to tear me down.”

“Forget her,” I tell her. “The paper will be even more fantastic than it already is.”

“Agreed,” Evie says as she pulls into Chloe’s driveway. Chloe thanks her for the ride and gets out.

“Chloe?” I call.

She turns around.

“Remember, after dinner. You and me andSwords and Legends.”

She nods with a grin. We’re going to be on video chat as we watch the next episode, since our parents don’t let us stay out too late on a school night. But if we watch from the comfort of our rooms, we can binge for hours.

Chloe waves and walks off.