“Thanks,” she says after a little while, as though she spent the last few minutes replaying my compliments in her head.

“You know I was speaking the truth,” I tell her. “Ooh. Youhaveto see this part.”

It’s an epic battle where Aleriana, an elf, and my favorite character, a human named Torenin, are forced to kill each other. But they’re secretly in love, so of course they do whatever they can to keep each other alive. Even though I’ve watched this scene many times, I’m still on pins and needles as the battle plays out.

“Oh my gosh!” Chloe gasps when Torenin saves Aleriana instead of shooting an arrow through her heart. “That was the most romantic, amazing, epic thing I have ever seen in my life.” She grabs the remote. “I need to watch it again!”

I chuckle. “You’re not the only one who rewinded it. I might have done so more than once.”

She joins in my laughter. We watch the scene at least another ten times. And each time, Chloe finds something she missed. Like the expressions on their faces, how they subtly avoid hurting the other, and other details.

I can listen to her gush about it for hours.

Shadows pass my room, and when I turn my head, I find Lily and Xavier walking by. Lily stops and peeks inside.

“Hey. I didn’t know you were over, Chloe.” She glances at the screen. “You’re watchingSwords and Legends?”

Xavier peeks in and stares at the screen. “You made a Swordie out of Chloe?”

I grin at her. “Sure did. She’s hooked. We’re about halfway through season one.”

“Nice,” Xavier says.

Lily’s eyes shine. “Let’s watch together. The four of us Swordies.”

“You sure?” Chloe asks. “You guys are way past season one.”

Xavier waves his hand. “We don’t mind. It’ll be fun.” He and Lily drop down at the foot of my bed, Xavier wrapping his arms around her and Lily resting her head on his chest.

“I love this scene!” Lily gushes as she takes in the paused image on the screen. “One of the best in the entire show.”

Chloe sits forward. “You mean there’s more?”

“Lots more,” Xavier answers. “It’s doing so well and has a huge fandom. I don’t know why the actor who plays Onin wants to leave. I know he has a life and doesn’t owe anyone explanations, but this show has touched so many lives.”

Lily kisses his cheek. “It brought us together.”

He laughs. “Sure did. You know, they’re having aSwords and Legendsconvention in two weeks.”

“Really?” Lily asks. “That’s so cool.”

“What do they do there?” Chloe asks, ears perked with interest and excitement.

“It’s a few days where the cast and fans meet up and we all geek out over this amazing show. There are performances and costume contests and autograph signings and so many cool things. I went last year with my grandfather. Before he…” He swallows. “And we had so much fun. You guys interested in going?”

“I’d love to,” Lily says, eyes shining brighter than before. “It sounds like so much fun. And the perfect place for us.”

Xavier rubs his nose with hers. “It is.” He turns to me and Chloe. “You guys in?”

“Heck yeah, I’m in!” I say.

“Yes,” Chloe says. “If my parents let. Where is it?”

Xavier hesitates. “The thing is, it’s in Derryton.”

Derryton is a few towns over, a three-hour drive from Edenbury.

Lily’s face falls. “That’s so far. You think Mom and Dad will let us go?”