She lightly bangs her shoulder into mine. “I knew I’d love it. You know fantasy is my favorite genre. I don’t know why I haven’t gotten into this until now.”

We resume watching and I try to focus on the screen and not on the wonderful girl next to me. We get through three episodes before Brayden knocks on the open door.

“Sorry, but it’s time to go home, Liam.”

I glance at the time. Darn, it’s past 10 PM. Chloe and I were so into the show that we lost track of time.

“Sure.” I get to my feet. “Thanks for having me.”

Brayden claps me on the back as I leave Chloe’s room, with her trailing behind to walk me out. “You know we love having you and you’re welcome any time.”

I smile. “Thanks.”

Brayden nods toward the front door. “I’ll drive you.”

“It’s just a short walk,” I start to protest.

“That’s all right. I don’t mind driving you.”

I thank him and fetch my jacket and school things from the living room. Kara stands from the couch and wraps her arms around me. “It was so good to see you, Liam.” She draws back to study me. “Stay strong.”

“I will. Thanks for dinner.”

“Thankyoufor making dinner.” The exhaustion on her face is as clear as day. I’m glad I was able to ease her load.

“Of course. No problem.”

She kisses my cheek. “Such a sweet kid. Say hi to your parents for me.”

“Sure. Good night.”

“Good night, Liam.”

Chloe walks me to the front door. “Don’t you dare watch more episodes without me,” she playfully warns. “I’ll be over at your place bright and early tomorrow so we can continue.”

My eyes bug out. “Bright and early? On a Saturday?”

She giggles. “The sky will crash down if Liam wakes up early on a non-school day,” she teases.

With a smile, I bend close to her. “For you, I’ll make an exception. Bright and early, yeah?”

“Bright and early.”

I wave and walk to the car, where Brayden is waiting for me. “I really appreciate you driving me home,” I tell him as I get in and shut the door.

“Of course, bud.”

The drive home is a short one and Brayden and I talk about random things. I thank him when he pulls up to my house, wish him a good night, and get out. He makes sure I’m inside before driving off.

I can’t stop smiling as I greet my parents and make my way to my room. I had so much fun tonight. I replay Chloe’s excitement over and over in my head.


There’s a knock on my door the next morning. “Liam?” Mom calls. “Chloe’s here.”

It’s hard to focus on what she’s saying as sleep slowly seeps out of me.

“Liam? Did you hear me? Chloe’s here.”