Kendell gapes at her. “I’m off the paper?”

Nakamura frowns. “The newspaper team holds a great responsibility, and they can hold a lot of power as well. You, Kendell, abused that power.”

Fresh tears pool in her eyes. “I just made a mistake. I was too emotional.”

“I understand that,” she says softly as she reaches to pat her hand. “And I know you regret it. I will still write you a letter of recommendation because you deserve to attend a great journalism school and have an amazing career. But you must be held accountable for your actions. Starting today, you’re off the Edenbury High Times.”

Kendell reaches for another tissue and sobs into it, letting out all her pain and anguish and loss. After a bit, she says, “If I can, I’d like to nominate Chloe as editor-in-chief.”

“What?” I ask.

“I think you would do a fabulous job, Chloe.”

“No way. There are more qualified students—”

“Thank you, Kendell, but the decision will be mine,” Nakamura says. “For now, the newspaper will have to make do without an editor-in-chief. Now please get back to work, Chloe. And Kendell, please clear your desk in the newsroom.”

As Kendell and I leave the principal’s office, she says, “I’m really so sorry, Chloe. Gosh, I was so stupid. I let a jerk ruin something that means the world to me. And I hurt you and Liam. Please forgive me.”

I puff out my cheeks. “Yeah, you did hurt us, but you didn’t send Topher after me. He’s responsible for his actions. So I guess I can forgive you. And I know what it’s like to pine after someone. It can drive you insane.”

She stops and stares at me. “You have a crush on someone?”

I freeze in place. “N-no…I mean, hypothetically…”

“Oh. Well, you’re much smarter than me. You’d never let a boy get in the way of your dreams.”

When we reach the newsroom, everyone stops what they’re doing and stares at us. It’s pretty obvious something major happened. With fresh tears in her eyes and her knees shaking, Kendell stands before everyone and announces, “I’m leaving the newspaper.”

Everyone starts talking at once.

She holds up her hand. “It was me who wrote that article on Topher Fletcher. I was upset with him for not reciprocating my feelings, and I was a jerk and put Chloe’s name on it. I’m so sorry. I wish you guys lots of luck with the paper. Please continue being amazing.”

Some of the kids clap or go over to hug her while others look a little upset. Some of them even come over to see if I’m okay.

Kendell wishes everyone good luck one more time before she leaves with her stuff, her whole body folded over like she might collapse from the loss.

Without a leader, it’ll be a little hard to get things done. But we hold another meeting to make sure we’re all on the same page and that everyone knows what they’re doing. Hopefully, it won’t be long before Principal Nakamura chooses a new editor-in-chief.

Chapter Fourteen


Basketball practice is canceled Friday afternoon because Coach has a family thing.

My friends and I are at Chloe’s locker—again. The girls are convinced Chloe’s secret admirer will strike again, so they’ve been obsessively checking her locker between classes. Just like they did yesterday.

But nope. No note today, thank the heavens. Another word about that dude and I’m seriously going to lose it.

When Chloe realizes nothing drops from her locker, her shoulders slump a little. Darn it. Does she really think this guy is legit?

“How are you doing, Chloe?” Lily asks. “It must be hard to learn someone you trusted and looked up to hurt you like that.”

“Yeah, Kendell sucks,” Willow says.

“I’m okay.” Chloe gives us a brave smile. “I’m just worried about the future of the paper. Kendell was a strong editor-in-chief.”

I place my hand on her arm. “You guys will do great without her. You’re all so talented.”