She scowls. “No.”

With groans, we head to the gym, where all the kids are already gathered. Dad gives us a tired face. “Why are the four of you always the last to arrive?”

“One might think it’s on purpose,” Willow grumbles again.

I shove her shoulder.

“This can’t go on, girls,” Dad says. “You’re a minute late. If it happens again, I’ll have to give you detention.”

Ava clutches her heart dramatically. “You’d give your own flesh and blood detention?”

Dad’s eyes shoot to me. “My flesh and blood should know better. And you, too, Willow. You’re known for your punctuality.”

“Not when I’m forced to face my doom.”

“I’m allergic to sports,” Lily pipes up.

“You’re great at basketball,” Dad reminds her. “If you can handle that, you can handle volleyball.”

“Volleyball?” I perk up. “It’s not dodgeball today?”

“Is my flesh and blood actually excited for PE?” Dad asks.

“No. I’m just glad we’re not playing that murderous dodgeball.”

“Good.” He blows his whistle. “Split up into two teams!” he calls out.

My friends and I put on blue jerseys and get into position. Volleyball is a little better, but darn it, some of the kids are just too vicious. The ball knocks into Willow’s face and sends her glasses flying in the air. On instinct, I leap to the left and catch them. But since my hands are occupied, I have no way to soften the blow. A cry shoots out of my lips when the left side of my body hits the hard floor.

“Ow,” I moan.

“Chloe!” Willow, Ava, and Lily rush over to me.

“You didn’t have to risk your life for my glasses,” Willow says as she takes them from me and touches my shoulder. “Are you okay?” She slides them onto her face.

“Chloe?” Dad pushes through the small crowd gathered around me. “Are you hurt?”

“Just my dignity,” I mutter.

“She’s a hero!” Ava says.

I give her a look. “I just saved Willow’s glasses.”

“I think she should be excused for the rest of class,” Willow tells Dad.

He helps me sit up. “Tell me the truth, Chloe. Can you continue playing?”

This would be the perfect excuse, but I don’t want to lie to my dad. With a frown, I say, “I’m fine.”

“Good. Back to the game, everyone!”


When I enter the newsroom, I go straight to our editor-in-chief, who’s typing on her computer. She glances up at me. “Need something, Chloe? Aren’t you going to interview Nakamura for your article?”

“Accusing my friend was a really low blow,” I tell her.

She sighs like she doesn’t have time to deal with this right now. “I didn’t accuse her. I only said—”