The day passes with more kids talking about me, but for the most part, it’s a normal day. After school, Xavier and I head to the gym for basketball practice. Even though I’m taking a break from basketball, Coach still wants me here.

“How’s it going, Swordie?” Xavier asks.

“Are you dying to know if I watched more episodes?”

He laughs. “Nope. Well, yeah. I want you to get to season two. Lily’s obsessed with the romance. And I am, too. There’s nothing wrong with a guy admitting he likes romance.” He lifts a brow at me.

I give him an incredulous look. “I don’t like romance.”

“That’s not what Lily says.”

“She doesn’t know me as well as she thinks.”

“Your twin sister knows you inside out. I don’t want to be like Darren and Brian trying to set you up with girls, but…” He clears his throat. “Remember when we played basketball with Lily and Evie? You told us you had a crush on someone.”

I stop in place. “What? I never said that.”

“You kind of did. And I was wondering if…maybe you like someone and need help…”

I hold up my hands. “Thanks, man, but I don’t like anyone.”

He watches me for a little while. “Okay. Just know that the offer still stands.”

I nod. “I’m good. Focusing on basketball and cooking.”

He looks like he wants to say more, but I push the gym door open and we walk in. Most of the guys from the team are here.

Usually, I could hear Topher a mile away because of his booming voice, but it’s so quiet now. A few guys are chatting and laughing. I spot Topher’s best friend, Gibson, in the group with his arms crossed over his chest.

Xavier and I head over to join the rest of the team, and the second Gibson looks at me, his eyes fill with hatred.

He stomps over to me, fists at his sides, though it seems like he wants to ram them into my face. My first instinct is to flinch away from him, but I straighten up and hold his glare. “What’s your problem?”

“Look what you did, you piece of garbage,” he spits at me. “Topher got expelled because of you!”

“It wasn’t my fault.”

He inches closer. “He should be here instead of you. You’re completely useless.”

A hand rests on my shoulder as Xavier steps in between us. “Leave Liam alone,” he warns. “Topher deserved to get expelled. You don’t hit a classmate, let alone ateammate. And youdon’tpush a girl. Liam’s a much better player than Topher was. We all know he was only on the team because his dad has connections.”

Gibson, Desmond, and a few others exchange a glance.

“If anyone has a problem with Liam, take it up with me,” Xavier says. “If anyone touches him, you’re dead.”

I thought I’d be embarrassed that I can’t defend myself, but you know something? I’m glad my friend has my back. He’s there for me. One day, I might be confident, but right now, I appreciate everyone who cares about me.

Gibson rolls his eyes. “Just because you’re captain, doesn’t mean you call the shots.”

With a hard look in his eyes, Xavier moves closer to him. “Want to say that again?”

Gibson glares at him.

“Is there a problem here?” Coach demands as he walks over to us. He glances at me, Xavier, and Gibson and grunts. “Listen up, boys. Topher is no longer on this team because he was expelled for violence. I don’t care what personal problems you have with each other, but keep it off my court, got it? When you’re here, you act like a team. But…” He holds up a hand. “If anyone is disrespectable to another team member, harms him in any way, or even looks at him wrong, you’re off my team. It doesn’t matter if you’re not on school grounds. If you hurt another member of this team, you’re gone. Is that understood?” His eyes move between me, Xavier, and Gibson.

Xavier and I nod while Gibson crosses his arms over his chest.

Coach narrows his eyes at him. “Is that understood, McSteffan?”