She shrugs. “Guess we formed a close bond when he used to read me fantasy books when I was little. Okay, we’re here.” She turns to me and places her hand on my arm. “Liam, if anyone gives you problems, let me know and I’ll set them straight.”

My eyes widen. “You? But you’re…”

“A girl? I know. I wouldn’t stand a chance against Topher’s friends. But I can get Noah and his football buddies to help. So if anyone messes with you…” She holds up her fists. “Okay?”

I swallow. I don’t want to make things worse. I just want to go about my day, enjoy school with my friends, and come home and cook or read.

“Thanks, Evie.”

She salutes and we get out of the car. It feels like all eyes are on me as I follow my sisters into the building. Lily slides her hand into mine, giving me an encouraging smile. She’s right. I can do this. Let them stare. I have my sisters, my friends, my parents. I have Chloe. No one else matters.

Lily and I meet the others at Chloe’s locker, where they’re laughing at something Willow just said. Her overstuffed backpack sits at her feet, looking like it’ll explode any minute.

“Hey!” Chloe says with a grin as she waves. “Welcome back to Edenbury High.”

I chuckle. “Was just gone a day.”

“True, but a day without Liam is like a lifetime,” Ava adds, also smiling.

The others nod in agreement.

“Thanks, guys.” I’m about to say something else, but freeze when I spot a group of kids in the distance looking and laughing at me. A few are pointing.

Chloe wraps her arm around me, turning me to face our friends. “Ignore them.”

“I liked it better when I was invisible,” I mumble.

Xavier claps me on the back. “Another juicy piece of gossip will pop up soon and they won’t give you another thought.”

“True,” I say. “Thanks.”

The bell rings and we head to English. Like before, kids whisper and laugh, but I ignore them. It helps a lot that I’ve got my friends by my side. I wouldn’t be able to get through the day without them.

We find our seats and talk about today’s lunch. Apparently, they’re trying to implement more healthy food.

“That means less pizza,” Willow grumbles as she knocks her face into her table. “The Universe hates me.”

Ava pats her back.

“Can’t believe Topher got expelled because of that nerd,” a girl mutters as she and her friends pass by. “No one wants that loser around.”

I watch them walk off, trying not to let their words get to me.

A soft, warm hand takes hold of mine. I turn my head and find Chloe’s concerned eyes on me. “Are you okay?”

I smile at her. “Of course I am.” Only because I’ve got her and the others in my life.

She returns the smile. “Good. Because they can take a hike.”

Willow glares at the two girls. “If you have something to say, say it to our faces.”

“Willow!” I hiss. “I don’t want the whole school after me.”

She crosses her arms over her chest and huffs.

The girls ignore her, which is great because I really don’t want all this drama. I want things to go back to normal.

The bell rings and Mom walks in. Her eyes immediately settle on me, like she was worried I got thrown to the wolves or something. When she concludes I’m in one piece, she starts the lesson.