
“Hey, sweetie,” Dad says when I walk into the kitchen after dinner at the Hastings’s. He and Mom are sitting at the table, eating from the cookies Mom baked.

“Hey.” I grab a cookie from the plate and take a bite. “Yum. These are great, Mom.”

“Thank you, honey. How was dinner?”

“Awesome. Noisy. But so much fun.” I plop down on the chair next to Dad.

Mom bends forward. “Is Liam okay?”

“He’s great. He’ll be back in school tomorrow.”

“We’re very glad to hear that,” Dad says. He takes my hand. “Chloe, your mother and I want to know how you’re doing.”

I glance from one parent to the other. “Again? You asked me that a million times yesterday.”

“We know,” Mom says. “But we want to make sure you’re truly okay. That boy grabbed you and shoved you to the floor.”

I nod slowly. “I was scared, but I’m okay now. I’m lucky he didn’t hurt me.”

Mom takes my other hand. “If you ever need to talk to someone, we’re here for you. Or if you’d like to talk to a professional, just let us know.”

I wrap my arms around my parents. “Thanks so much, but I’m okay. Really, truly, one hundred percent okay. I’m so happy he’s gone and we don’t have to worry about him anymore. I’d better get started on my homework.”

“We love you.”

“Love you, too.”

I climb the stairs, and as I pass Noah’s room, he calls, “Hey, Chloe?”

I stop and look inside. He’s sitting on his bed with his guitar and a tablet. “Yeah?”

He squints his blue eyes, studying me. “You good?”

“Yeah. Perfect. Like I just told Mom and Dad two minutes ago. And how many times did I have to reassure you last night that I’m not going to break?”

He frowns. “Sorry. I was just worried.”

I sit down next to him. “I know and I appreciate it. But I’m not your little sister anymore. I’m sixteen.”

He runs a hand down his face. “Doesn’t matter how old you get. I’m always going to worry about you and Rylee.”

I smile and slug his arm. “Thanks. I love having a big bro looking out for me.”

“I don’t,” Rylee says as she stands in the doorway. “I heard my name mentioned and had to know what you’re saying about me. But as usual, Noah is being Dad.”

He gives her a look. “Looking out for my little sisters doesn’t make me Dad.”

Rylee crosses her arms over her chest. “Having two parents nag me is enough. I don’t need you to do it, too.”

He shakes his head. “Can’t help it. You and your friends should be more responsible. You could have gotten hurt in that abandoned building.”

“As Mother and Father so often remind me.”

Noah strums his guitar. “Fine, I get it.” He scans the tablet and his eyes widen like a lightbulb flicked on in his head. He taps on the tablet.

Rylee inches into the room. “You’re working on a song?”