I run my hand through my hair. “This week has been so overwhelming. I think I need to decompress over the weekend.”

“While reading the secret admirer’s letter over a million times.” Lily smiles knowingly.

“And Mr. Love’s, too,” Ava says.

“Chloe’s not into him anymore,” Willow reminds her.

“I’m not giving up on him yet.”

“Are you Team Secret Admirer or Team Mr. Love?” Lily asks her.

“What, is Chloe in a love triangle now?” Liam grumbles as he taps on his phone. Looks like he’s playing a game.

“I’m not in a love triangle,” I say.

“Team Secret Admirer, then?” Xavier asks me.

My face heats up. “I don’t know…”

“I think that means yes,” Aidan says with a laugh.

Lily is about to say something, but her mom calls from downstairs that dinner is ready.

Ava jumps to her feet. “Shoot! We were supposed to leave half an hour ago to get ready for dinner with my grandparents.” She grabs Aidan’s hand and hauls him off his chair.

“Is it time already?” His eyes are wide. “I’m not mentally prepared for this.”

She stretches her neck to place a sweet kiss on his lips. “You’ve been mentally prepared since the day you were born.”

He holds up his finger. “That doesn’t make sense. Especially because we hated each other’s guts when we first met.”

She giggles as she gives him another kiss. “They’ll love you.” She waves at us. “See you guys tomorrow. Enjoy dinner.”

We wave goodbye and they exit the room.

“Well, I’m starving,” Xavier says.

“Me, too.” Willow stands and stretches her arms. “Did your mom make pizza by any chance?”

Lily gives her a face. “Didn’t we have pizza for lunch?”

“I’d eat pizza three times a day if I could.”

“Yeah, we know you would,” I say with a laugh.

As everyone files out of Liam’s room, I stop him before he walks out. “You okay?”

He smiles. “Yep. I heal like Wolverine.”

“No, I mean…with the secret admirer’s letter. You know I think highly of your opinion.”

He shakes his head. “I just worry who he is and what his intentions are. After what that jerk did to you yesterday…maybe I’m just overprotective. I guess he could be a decent guy.”

I smile. “And if not, you’ll be here to look out for me. Right?”

He smiles, too, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Yeah, of course. We should go down. Evie’s probably getting impatient because we’re keeping her from her masterpiece.”

I watch him walk away, then follow him.