“Well…” My cheeks are blazing.

Lily’s eyes widen as she bounces in her seat. “Wait. Did he write you another letter?”

With my cheeks still scorching, I grab my bag and reach inside. “I didn’t want to say anything because we were all worried about Liam and I didn’t want to be selfish…”

“Be selfish,” Lily urges. “Be very,veryselfish.”

With a heavy sigh, Liam drops his hand and eyes the paper I pulled out of my backpack like it contains a contagious disease.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” Ava squeals. “You got another love letter from your secret admirer!”

“What does it say? Lily demands. “What does it say?”

With my heart beating wildly, I read the letter out loud.

Dear Chloe,

I hope you’re not upset with me for contacting you again. The truth is that I still can’t bring myself to face you in real life. But know that I want to. I just still haven’t worked up the courage.

First off, I want to congratulate you on another well-written, inspiring, well-thought-out article. I’ll admit that I’ve read it more than once—and please don’t think that I’m stalking you. That’s not my intention at all. You don’t seem to receive a lot of praise for your articles, and I want you to know I’m here and I have read, absorbed, enjoyed every word you have written.

I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t touched a book in quite a few years. But the way you described the power and beauty of reading in your article has inspired me to sign up for a library card at my library and check out the books you recommended. Maybe we could discuss them one day, if you’d like (if I’ll be confident enough to reveal myself to you). I’m very excited to start devouring the pages and being transported into a new world with many possibilities. I hated reading when I was younger, but now I’ll begin the first chapter with a new mindset. I’m going on a journey along with the characters. Thank you for once again opening my eyes to possibilities.

Keep being the special person that you are. I look forward to your next article.


Your Secret Admirer

As soon as I’m done reading, Lily squeals. “You wanted to inspire at least one person to read and you succeeded!”

“Look how powerful your words are, Chloe,” Ava says. “Told you that you’ll change the world. One person at a time.”

“I love that you inspired him to get a library card,” Willow says. “Half the kids here think libraries don’t exist anymore.”

Lowering his head in shame, Xavier raises his hand. “I hate to admit I used to be part of said group.” He lifts his head and smiles at Lily. “But I’m a changed man now thanks to my lovely girlfriend. Books are amazing.”

“Duh,” all four of us say.

“Don’t you see he’s sucking up to you?” Liam folds his arms over his chest a bit too roughly and winces. “He’s manipulating you.”

Lily, Willow, Ava, and even Xavier and Aidan frown at him.

“Are you guys not on my side?” Liam asks the boys.

Aidan holds his hands up helplessly. “I was suspicious at first, but his words were sweet. Like he said, Chloe doesn’t get a lot of recognition for her articles. It’s so great someone appreciates her work.”

“Yeah,” Xavier agrees. “And I’m not getting creepy stalker vibes.”

“Nope,” Lily says.

Liam shakes his head and reaches for his phone, busying himself with it. It hurts that he’s so against the secret admirer. I hold his opinion in the highest regard, and if he doesn’t like the guy who could potentially be my boyfriend…

“Do you think he feels more comfortable now?” Lily asks. “Maybe it won’t be long before he reveals himself to you.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I say.

Ava watches me carefully. “Why are you so quiet? What’s wrong?”