Ava giggles. “Their expressions are priceless!”

He chuckles, too.

“So, it’s my turn to read Mr. Love’s column out loud,” Ava says.

Lily frowns at her. “Didn’t you do it last time?”


“Pretty sure you did.”

“No.Youread the last response.”

“Maybe it was Chloe?”

“Are you guys seriously fighting over this?” Liam mutters as he falls down on his bed again, stabbing himself with an invisible sword.

They ignore Liam and continue arguing.

“I know how to solve this.” Willow reaches into her humongous backpack and pulls out the newspaper, which is crumpled because of all her tech stuff. “I’ll read it.”

Before Lily or Ava can argue, Willow stands up and flips to Mr. Love’s page.

“Dear Mr. Love,

I have a major problem and hope you can help me. I recently got out of a relationship that lasted about five months. My ex-boyfriend was so charming when we first started hanging out. We met in gym class when Coach Barrington asked him to escort me to the nurse when I wasn’t feeling well. The walk to her office was short, but it was enough time for us to have a great conversation. He asked one of my friends for my number and we texted for weeks until officially becoming a couple. Like I said, he was so charming and cool in the beginning. I thought I was in love. My parents felt there was something off about him, though. They told me he seemed a bit controlling and possessive. I thought they were crazy because I was so smitten, but after about two months, I started to see his true colors. He was very controlling and possessive. He told me what to wear, what to eat, who to hang out with. I thought I could change him, but I was wrong. So I broke up with him. Thankfully, he didn’t grow violent or anything. Sure he was upset, but he handled it much better than I thought he would.

A few days ago, my best friend confided in me that she has feelings for my ex. She wanted to know if I was okay with her asking him out. I hadn’t told her or my other friends about my ex’s true nature because I guess I was ashamed. I used to worship him, and I was embarrassed what my friends would think. But now that my bestie is interested in him, I immediately told her what my ex is really like.

I thought she would understand because of the many times my ex convinced me to blow her off and hang out with him instead, but she accused me of being jealous. She thinks my ex dumped me and that I’m jealous he’s interested in her. But that’s not true at all. I don’t want any girl, especially one of my best friends, to go through what I went through. I even got my mom to speak to her, but that just ticked her off more. Now she’s not speaking to me. I caught her kissing my ex the other day and felt like I was going to throw up. He didn’t hurt me, but I’m so worried he might hurt my friend.

What should I do?

A concerned friend.

Lily’s eyes are wide. “Wow. I feel so bad for all the girls who go through that. I wish I had a magic wand and could conjure up kind and caring guys for everyone.” She throws her arms around Xavier. “Thanks for being the awesome guy that you are. You’re the perfect gentleman, and the perfect boyfriend.”

“I did have help from Cupid Lily,” he reminds her.

She shakes her head as she squeezes him. “You were perfect even before that. I appreciate you so much.”

“Thanks. I appreciate you so much, too.” They exchange a quick kiss.

“Same with you,” Ava says as she snuggles into Aidan’s arms. He stares down at her with nothing but pure love and adoration.

Liam sits up on his bed. “So since you forced me to sit through this torture, can we please hear the supposed expert’s response?”

“Okay, okay,” Willow says as she focuses back on the paper.

“Dear A concerned friend,

I’m so sorry you experienced that. And I’m so glad you were able to get out of that situation. Guys like him should combust into flames and burn for eternity. Sorry, I have issues with men and guys who don’t treat their women with the proper respect they deserve.

You have every right to be concerned for your friend, and I agree that she needs to leave that jerk as soon as possible. It’s unfortunate that she refuses to see him for who he really is. I think you shouldn’t give up on her. Keep trying to have conversations with her, and maybe get your other friends to speak to her as well. But keep in mind that the manner in which you phrase your words is very crucial. Saying something like, “He’s a jerk. You need to leave him” won’t get the right message across. You need to tell her how much you care about her, help her understand that you’re not jealous but love her and don’t want to see her get hurt. Right now, she’s in Love Land and sees the guy the way she wants to see him. It’ll be hard to show her who he truly is, but you need to keep at it. Because he might treat her even worse than he treated you.

If you’re not successful with words, maybe try sending her an email or a text. Put your heart and soul into the text so she can see that you’re coming from a place of concern and not jealousy. I think it was a good idea that you spoke to your mom about it because things could escalate into a bad situation, and you may need an adult to get involved. But it’s no surprise that your friend was upset about that. And asking her mom to force her to stay away from him would just make her cling to him more strongly. You might have to think of creative ways to get your message across. Maybe film him losing his temper or comb through his social media posts to find incriminating evidence. You seem like a really good friend, and she needs you now. Don’t give up on her. Be there for her. Hopefully she’ll see reason and you’ll be there to help her get through it. But if she gets into a dangerous situation, notify an adult immediately.

I hope my advice helps you.