I frown. “Sucks.”

The rest of the gang gather around me and tell me what happened at school today. Other than kids talking about Topher’s expulsion, nothing special happened. Was just a regular day.

“So you’re going back tomorrow, huh?” Willow asks me.

“Yeah. I’m nervous, though.”

“Why?” Chloe asks. I point to my face and she says, “Oh.”

Willow grunts. “Ignore them.”

“I’ll probably sit on the bench during practice until I heal,” I tell them. “Coach spoke to my parents last night and they want me to take it easy.” I lift the lid off the container and sigh happily as the smell of the chocolate rainbow cake attacks my nose. “Yum. You guys want a piece?”

“No,” they all say at once.

“All for me, then!” I take a large bite. “Yummm! Ava, this is amazing.”

She laughs. “I’ll let Chef Maggie know. She bought special chocolate just for you.”

I stop chewing. “Oh. She didn’t have to.”

“Of course she did. You’re Liam and you’re awesome.”

My cheeks feel hot. “Thank her for me. Tell her I really appreciate it.”

Ava nods.

My friends help me catch up with my classes, and then we talk about random things. I keep my focus on everyone, but I find my eyes constantly trekking to Chloe. Wanting to check if she’s okay. All the attention has been on me, but she went through an ordeal, too. That darn Topherpushed her to the floor. But from the shine in her eyes and the smile on her face, it seems like she’s okay.

As long as she’s okay, I’m okay.

Chapter Eleven


“Has anyone had a chance to read Mr. Love’s column?” Ava asks as she shifts on Liam’s bed. “I know we’ve all been worrying about Liam, but…”

“Ugh, Ava,” Liam grumbles. “Here I am, trying to heal from an injury, and youhadto mention that darn Mr. Love.”

Mr. Love is an advice column in our school paper. Students write in about their dating problems and he offers advice. All the girls love reading his column every issue, but the boys, like Liam, aren’t into it. Mr. Love has gotten so popular that he also posts on the school website a few times a month.

“Oh, stop hating on him,” Ava teases him. “And you’re notthatinjured.”

He clutches his chest and collapses on his bed, groaning in pain.

“Save the acting for my dad and sister,” Willow jokes.

He lifts his head a few inches. “Et tu, Willow?”

She shrugs with an innocent smile.

“I didn’t have a chance yet,” Lily says, eyes shining with curiosity. “I haven’t touched the paper since I read Chloe’s article before book club yesterday.”

“Same,” Willow says.

“Yeah, between my Superman and Liam, and the charity event I attended last night, I’m swamped,” Ava says, smiling at her boyfriend. “It was the first event we went together as a couple. It was so much fun showing him off to everyone.”

Aidan lifts their interlocked hands and kisses the back of her palm. “If we could ignore the women who were staring at me like I was some low-class barbarian. And if someone asks me one more time if I’m related to the Wests from England…”