I end the call and smile as I gulp down half of my water bottle. Then I resume watching the nerdiest show that’s become my new favorite.


The hours zoom by and I haven’t moved from my bed once, except to use the bathroom. I don’t realize how late it is until the Junior Musketeers, Xavier, and Aidan enter my room.

“We come bearing gifts!” Ava says with a smile as she places a container on my bed. “Chocolate rainbow cake, as promised.”

“Score! Thanks.” I drag it onto my lap. “Been waiting hours for this.”

Mom steps into the room, a look of concern in her eyes. “Are you feeling okay?” she asks.

I nod. “I’m great. Ready to go back to school tomorrow.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Make sure to do your homework.”

“Don’t worry, dear teacher, I’ve got him covered,” Lily assures her. “He’ll be all caught up with his classes by tomorrow morning.”

Mom laughs. “I’m getting started on dinner. You kids want to stay?”

Ava takes Aidan’s hand with a warm smile. “We’re having dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Knight tonight. They want to get to know Aidan better.”

He swallows. “It’s a little intimidating, to be honest.”

“Just be yourself and they’ll love you,” Mom tells him. “What about you, Chloe, Willow, and Xavier?”

“You know I’m in,” Willow says with a grin. “I love hanging out with the Hastings fam.”

“Thanks, I’d love to stay for dinner,” Chloe says with a smile.

“Me, too,” Xavier says.

“Glad to have you.” She leaves the room, reminding us not to forget to do our homework.

“Evie’s right. Having a mom for a teacher sucks sometimes,” Lily grumbles.

“Did someone mention me?” Evie asks as she enters the room, her hands and the front of her shirt covered in green paint. She’s also got some in her hair. “Hey, bro. How goes it? Gosh, your face.”

“I know. Maybe I should write on my forehead that I’m okay so everyone will stop asking me.”

She backs away from the room, lifting her hands. “Geez. Sorry I asked. That’s what I get for caring about my little bother?”

“Sorry. Thanks for caring.”

She nods. “Yep. I’m off to finish my painting. Later, siblings and friends.” She walks out of the room.

“You have paint in your hair!” Willow calls after her.

“I know!”

Xavier plops down on my desk chair and wheels it over to me. He’s got an eager expression on his face. “So…?”


“What do you think ofSwords and Legends? What episode are you up to?”

I shrug, trying to hide my smile. “Finished season one. Are you sure they might cancel the show?”

He puffs out his cheeks. “If the guy playing Onin leaves, then yeah.”