“A what?”

I laugh. “Ask Xavier and he’ll tell you. Hey, Chloe, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“I just don’t want you to worry about me. I’m okay. I mean, my face looks like a giant blueberry, but I’m fine. So please don’t worry.”

She releases a breath. “I’m sorry. But Iamworried. You could have gotten really hurt. I know we talked about it last night, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it all day. And everyone at school is talking about it.”

“Oh…they are?”

“Mostly about Topher getting expelled because he beat up a nerd. Sorry, that’s what they’re saying. You know I’d never call you a nerd.”

Even though I’m not feeling the best right now, I smile. “I know, Chloe. Thanks for taking time away from your lunch to talk to me.”

“You don’t have to thank me. We’re besties.”


“We’re all coming over to your place after school. Ava owes you that chocolate rainbow cake.”

“Owes me?”

“That’s what she said. Other than the fact that you’re awesome, she wants to reward you for saving my life. A bit dramatic, but that’s Ava.”

I laugh. “Yeah. But I don’t need rewards. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

“I am. Thanks. I owe you.”

“No, you don’t owe me anything, Chloe. I’d do it again and again. I don’t want anything to happen to you or the others.”

She’s quiet for a bit. “That’s so sweet.” Her voice sounds choked up. “I love you, bestie.”

My heart skips a beat and the room gets a bit too hot. “Me, too. Bestie.”

She’s quiet. I’m quiet.

I don’t know how much time passes.

“You still here?” she asks.

“Yeah. Sorry. I should let you get back to lunch. What’s on the menu?”

She laughs. “Pizza. It’s delicious this time. Willow’s having the time of her life. I think she’s on her third slice.”


“What are you having?” she asks.

“PB and J.”


I laugh and she laughs.

“See you later, Liam.”

“Have fun at school.”