He bends forward and kisses my head. “I’ll see you later.”


After he leaves, I clean up the kitchen, then talk to my grandparents—Mom’s parents. They live in Florida now, and we see each other as often as we can.

I never knew Dad’s parents because they died in a fire, but Dad has told me and Lily and Evie so much about them that I have a sense of what they were like. Dad’s father’s name was Liam and his mom was Evelyn—Evie. Lily’s named after Grandma’s favorite flower.

Once I’m done reassuring my grandparents that I’m okay and that my face looks worse than it is, I head up to my room and plop down on my bed. I scroll through my texts. Lily and the gang wished me a speedy recovery this morning, Chloe adding in an apology for probably the hundredth time. Ava promised me she’ll bring over some chocolate rainbow cake, my favorite, after school. I can’t wait!

I snort as I read over the text Xavier sent me last night. He suggested I watch his favorite TV show—Swords and Legends—because it’ll help me feel better. He loves that show and swears it has magical powers or something because it always heals him when he’s not feeling well.

I told him nothing can make me watch that nerdy show, but as I sit on my bed staring at the walls, my curiosity gets the better of me. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try an episode. It’s not like I have anything else to do, other than read, but my head hurts too much to concentrate.

I get comfy on my bed and start the first episode. It’s actually pretty good. Very heavy on the fantasy, but that’s what makes it so interesting. And the magic is done so perfectly that I start episode two without a second thought.

Man. I shouldn’t have teased Xavier about this show. I shouldn’t have called it nerdy. And he’s right—I’m feeling so much better, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Even though he’s at school, I send Xavier a text.

Liam: I’m a jerk and you were right. This show is killer.

The romance between the two leads is done very well. Most of the fantasy shows I have watched don’t have the greatest love stories. But this one? It’s the perfect blend of magic and action and romance. No wonder my best buddy and Lily are obsessed with it.

I’m so into the show that I don’t realize I’m hungry. I’ve been watching for hours and forgot about lunch. Eh, I’m not in the mood to make anything big—I want to keep watching—so I make myself a PB and J sandwich and hurry back to my room to continue watching.

A little while later, my phone beeps with a text.

Xavier: Told you! I’ll make a Swordie out of you.

Liam: Swordie? Man, that’s lame.

Xavier: You’re a Swordie whether you like it or not.

Liam: Fine. You, me, and Lily can all be Swordies together.

Xavier: Nice. Hey, you doing all right?”

Liam: Fine. You guys are at lunch?

Xavier: Yeah.

I’m about to ask him what’s for lunch, but my phone explodes with texts from the others. They want to know how I’m doing.

I answer each one, except for Chloe’s. She’s still worried about me and I sense she couldn’t concentrate in her classes.

I call her, bringing the phone to my ear as I eat my second sandwich.

“Liam?” she asks.


“You sound so awake and energetic. I thought you’d be sleeping all day.”

I chuckle. I tend to be lazy on the weekends and sleep in. “Nope. Xavier talked me into watchingSwords and Legendsand I’m hooked.”

She giggles. It sounds so cute and sweet. “Really? That’s so funny. You swore you’d never watch it.”

“What can I say? I’m a Swordie.”