I wave my hand. “It’s okay. Mom was there and you needed to take care of those siblings. Have you found a home for them yet?”

“Not yet, but we’re getting there.”

I nod and play around with my cereal. Dad’s so cool and I’m…well…me.

“You okay?” Dad asks. “You completely shut down.”

I shrug. “I guess.”

He pushes his chair closer to me. “What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”

I shake my head. “I’m okay.”

He studies me. “You sure?”

Dad doesn’t push me to talk when I don’t want to, but he’s got such a caring and concerned look on his face that the words tumble out of my mouth.

“I’m a loser.”

“What? Why would you say that?”

I shrug again. “It’s true. I tried to help my best friend and I got my butt kicked.”

Dad sighs, reaching to rest a hand on my shoulder. “Liam, you’re not a loser. You were brave to help Chloe.”

I shrug his hand off. “I’m not like you. I’m not strong or confident…I’m a wimp.”

“Liam, why do you think you have to be like me?”

I shrug for a third time. “You stuck up for Mom when you were my age. She was getting bullied and you helped her. You didn’t get your butt handed to you.”

He puffs out his cheeks and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. “Yes, it’s true that I did help your mom when jerks were giving her a hard time, but you shouldn’t strive to be like me. You’re your own person, Liam. A kind, special, wonderful, sweet young man.”

I frown. “Sweet guys can’t defend those they care about.”

He squishes me to his chest. “Your strengths lie elsewhere. Like on the basketball court. In the kitchen. You don’t have to prove you’re a man by throwing a punch. Being a man is much, much more than that. And you, my son, are growing up to be a wonderful and amazing man.”

I pull away from him. “I’m not.”

“You’re kind and caring. You wereinjuredyesterday and all you cared about was cooking for your family. And you put yourself in a dangerous situation to help your friend. You don’t think that makes you a special person?”

I don’t say anything as I absorb his words. “But when you were my age—”

“Please don’t compare yourself to me, Liam. I was going through a tough time back then. And I’m so happy and relieved that I can provide you and your siblings with a good life. That’s all I care about. That you kids and your mom are happy.”

I nod. “I’m happy. I’m very grateful for everything you and Mom have done for me.”

He wraps both arms around me. “Please don’t feel like you need to be someone else. You’re perfect just the way you are.” He rubs my arm. “All right?”

I nod slowly as his words continue to sink in. “Thanks, Dad. You can go to work now.”

He chuckles. “You kicking me out?”

“No, I know you’re here and not at work because of me. But I’m fine. And if I need help, I know who to call.”

He gets to his feet. “Okay. Call your grandparents because they’re worried about you.”

“I will.”