Dad bends close. “I told you that you can bounce ideas off of me any time.”

Uncle Zane nods. “Yeah, thanks, bro. But since your precious youngest daughter was adamant that I put more romance in the sequel, I’m in way over my head.”

I grin. “Lily can beverypersuasive.”

“No kidding. But forget about me. I want to know how you’re doing, Liam.”

I pull out a chair, drag it over near Dad, and plop down. “Missing school.”

My uncle narrows his gray eyes, studying me. “And you’re upset about that?”

I shrug. “Yeah.”

“When I was your age, I didn’t care about school at all. All I cared about was football, reading, and giving Bailey rides on my motorcycle.”

“Zane, don’t give him any ideas,” Dad says.

Uncle Zane waves his hand. “You have responsible kids, Zack. It’s not like Liam’s going to ride a motorcycle. Now Brock…that’s another story.”

“He’s into motorcycles?” I ask.

“He keeps asking me when he’ll be old enough to drive one.”

Dad raises a brow. “What do you expect when he sees his mom and dad riding around on their motorcycles all the time?”

Uncle Zane playfully sticks out his tongue. “Look, if he wants one when he’s older and he’s responsible, Bailey and I won’t stop him. But he needs to focus on school and getting into a good college.”

“He’s a good student,” Dad says. “So is Zoey, when she’s not getting into trouble with Rylee and Mia.”

Uncle Zane snickers. “She definitely keeps Bailey and me on our toes.” He glances at his phone. “I need to get going soon. Give my love to everyone. We really need to get together soon. It’s been forever.”

Dad nods. “It has. Once you’re done with your book tour, we’ll gather everyone together for a party or something.”

Uncle Zane smiles. “Sounds good. Miss ya, bro.”

“Miss you.”

Uncle Zane waves at me. “See you soon, kid. And don’t sweat the face. It’ll heal soon.”

“Is it really that bad?” I lean forward to look at myself on the screen. Darn it. I look like a giant blueberry.

“Nah, Liam. It’s okay,” Uncle Zane reassures me while Dad pats my arm. “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

“Have fun,” Dad says.

“As long as no one asks me to sign my name on weird parts of their body, I’ll be okay.” With a chuckle, he waves and ends the call.

Dad lowers the laptop and turns to me. “Hungry? Want me to make you something?”

Shaking my head, I get up and fetch some cereal and milk. “You don’t have to stay home with me, Dad. I’m sixteen.”

“I know that. Like I said, I don’t have to go to work for a few hours.”

I give him a look like I know that’s a lie. But whatever, I won’t argue with him. I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent, so I can’t judge. We once had goldfish and I was devastated when they died…

Dad watches me as I eat my cereal. “What?” I ask, mouth full. “Why are you staring at me?”

He shakes his head. “I’m not. I’m just glad you’re okay. Sorry I couldn’t go to school yesterday. I was swamped with work.”