Ally’s entire face is lit up like the sun has taken permanent residence there, like it always is when she discusses a book with her students. Her lessons are magical. But I can’t concentrate on a single thing she’s saying. Because the only thing running through my head are the words the secret admirer wrote.

I glance around the room, focusing on the guys in my class. I know them all by face, but do Iknowthem? Not really. The secret admirer could bein here. My face heats up just thinking about it. But no one’s looking at me.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, I wrack my brain, trying to replay the last few weeks. Did someone say something to me? Maybe ask me for a pen or what was for homework? I don’t think so. But it’s possible…

I sigh.

Everyone’s head whips in my direction, including Ally’s. Shoot. I so did not mean for that sigh to actually escape my lips, and for it to be broadcasted across the entire classroom.

“Chloe, is everything okay?” Ally asks.

My cheeks scorching, I nod and mutter, “Y-yeah. Sorry.”

She keeps her eyes on me for a few seconds to make sure I’m telling the truth before returning to the discussion.

Ally, Willow’s Mom, Charlie, Ava’s mom, Dani, and my mom, Kara, were best friends in high school. Dani started a book club in their sophomore year because she didn’t have friends and knew there had to be some kids at school who loved to read as much as she did. Ally and Charlie joined that year, and my mom joined a year later. They became the Four Musketeers. Lily noticed at the start of this year that the five of us were drifting apart, so we started our own book club and coined ourselves the Junior Musketeers.

In a way, they’re all my moms, too. That’s why it’s a little hard to keep things from Ally, who is super observant. But thankfully, she doesn’t seem to think anything is wrong with me. Ugh, I really need to focus on her lesson…

And I do, for maybe ten minutes. Then my mind wanders, sifting through the guys at our school and imagining one of them…

The bell rings, yanking me from my thoughts.

“That’s your homework for tonight,” Ally announces. “I expect them emailed to me before midnight. No excuses.”

Shoot! I was so lost in my thoughts that I missed what’s for homework. My friends have already gathered their stuff and are making their way to the door. I grab my things, hurrying after them.

“I never thought about it that way,” Willow is saying when I catch up to them. “Your mom has definitely put her own unique spin on it, Lily. I think I have a lot to think about tonight when I write my paper.”

“What was the assignment?” I ask.

“What do you mean?” Ava asks as we stop in the hallway.

I run a hand through my brown hair as I laugh sheepishly. “I wasn’t paying attention and missed the assignment.”

Willow clutches her chest dramatically. “Did Chloe Barrington miss an English assignment? It’s her favorite subject in school. Someone, call the fire department.”

“Are you feeling well?” Ava teases as she places her hand on my forehead.

“She’s got thelove bug.” Lily bumps her shoulder into mine with a giggle.

Xavier and Aidan chuckle, but Liam frowns. “Were you paying attention at all in class?”

“Yeah,” I lie.

He watches me for a few seconds before shaking his head and muttering, “Heading to second period. See you guys at lunch.”

I stare after him as he marches away, noticing that his shoulders are a little hunched and that his hands clench and unclench at his sides. But I don’t have time to dwell on it because the bell rings.

Xavier and Aidan wish us goodbye and head to their classes.

“See you guys at lunch!” Ava says as she flings her arms around me, then Lily and Willow. “We gotta make the most of it because book club is canceled today.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Willow says with a shrug. “My mom’s super ticked off that I keep pushing off my doctor’s appointment, and she’s forcing me to go after school. I mean, sheesh, it’s just a yearly checkup.”

“Well, your health is more important than book club,” I say.

Willow thinks about it for a second. “Nah.”