Lily giggles again, her cheeks red as she faces us. “He’s so cute, isn’t he?”

“The cutest,” I tell her. “You two, and Ava and Aidan, are the cutest couples at school.”

“You wish,” Paisley Abberton snorts as she and the rest of the cheerleaders pass by on the way to practice. “More like the most loserish couples at school.”

Her minions giggle like she said the wittiest joke.

“Takes one to know one!” Willow calls after her.

She stops and slowly turns around. “Did you just call me a loser, loser?”

Willow glances behind her before widening her eyes in mock shock and pointing at herself. “Wait, did the popular cheerleader, Paisley Abberton, actually speak to me? Oh my gosh, I might faint from overwhelming bliss.”

Paisley rolls her eyes. “Whatever, Macintosh.”

“Did you just call me ‘Macintosh?’”

She rolls her eyes again. “You’re always on your stupid computer.”

“I lovealltech. If you’d paid attention, you’d know that I use my PC just as much as I use my Mac. Because while the Mac is better for—”

“Oh my gosh, do you think I care about your geek talk?” she exclaims, making the rest of the cheerleaders snicker again. “And ifyou’dpaid attention,you’dknow that the cutest couple at school is Colton and Vanessa. Everyone knows that. Well, other than the losers at the bottom rung of the social ladder,” she says, eliciting more snickers from her posse.

“Am I supposed to know who they are?” Willow says as she pushes her glasses up her nose. She just got a new pair and they’re already falling off her face. Maybe her robot accidentally ran them over like the previous pair.

Paisley flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder. “Whatever. I have more important things to do.”

She turns around and heads toward the gym with the rest of the girls, just as her mom and cheerleading coach storms out of the gym. Upon seeing them, Coach Abberton shrills, “Where have you been? Paisley, you’relateagain.”

“But…but…it’s not just me—”

“Get in!” she orders. “And we still need to talk about those candy bars you’ve been sneaking after dinner.”

Ducking her head in shame, Paisley hurries into the gym. The rest quickly follow.

Willow whistles. “I don’t want to be her right now. Or ever.”

Lily puts her arm around her. “How about we head to our sacred 1B, Macintosh?”

With a laugh, Willow wraps her arm around me, and the three of us make our way to our favorite classroom. Ava and Aidan are now making out. Pretty passionately.

“Uh…should we give them some privacy?” Lily asks.

“And miss out on book club?” Willow says. “Heck no. I think they had enough time to make up for all the potential kisses they could have exchanged all day.”

“Agreed,” I say.

Lily groans. “We’ll see how you two feel once you have boyfriends. Because the last thing you’d want is to get interrupted while making out.”

“Nah, book club will always be more important than making out,” Willow says.


Willow claps her hands as she barges into the room. “Okay, okay. Break it up, lovebirds!”

Ava and Aidan repel from each other. “Oh,” Ava says with a laugh as she clutches her heart. “You scared me. I was in another place. An island where it was just me and this handsome fella.” She grabs Aidan by the front of his shirt and plants another kiss on him.

“I think your friends are here for book club,” Aidan tells her once they take a break to breathe.