Even though we’ve been having our meetings twice a week for the past few months, I always get excited. Because I get to spend an afternoon with my favorite people in the world, doing one of my most favorite things in the world—discussing books. Today we’ll be talking about the young adult fantasy book.

When I reach the sacred room 1B, I find Ava and Aidan already there, Ava sitting on his lap with his arms wrapped around her waist. They’re rubbing noses, and every so often, Aidan whispers something in her ear and sweeps his lips across her cheek. She gazes into his eyes with nothing but undying, unconditional love. It’s crazy that they wanted to tear each other’s throats out only a few weeks ago.

Of course I’m super happy for them, but…I’m also a little jealous. Fine, a lot jealous. They found their soulmates—inhigh school. Just like Lily and Xavier. I wish I’d find mine, too.

I waver in the doorway, not sure I should go in. I don’t want to interrupt them. So I walk off to the side and slip the latest issue of the Edenbury High Times—which just came out today—out of my backpack, my lips lifting in a smile as I flip to my article. There it is, my pride and joy. It looks even better than I imagined. I soak in the words, my smile growing bigger. I hope my article inspires more people to read books.

“Hey, Chloe.” Willow slides up to me with her overstuffed backpack looking like it might snap her back in half. All her tech stuff is in there. “Why aren’t you in 1B?”

I give her a wry smile. “Superman and Princess are sharing special alone time,” I tell her, using the nicknames Aidan and Ava have coined for each other.

Willow smiles. “Nice. Let’s give them some more time until Lily arrives. Ooh, are you reading your article again?”

“Only for the millionth time,” I say, my face heating up. “I just feel, um…”

“Proud? You should be. Because that, Chloe Barrington, is one bangin’ article.”

I raise a brow. “Bangin’? Since when do you use that word?”

“Ugh. Some boys in my coding class think they’re so cool.” She shivers. “I absorb everything like a sponge.”

I put my arm around her. “And that’s why you’re a genius.”

“Nope. My mom’s the genius. I’m just…well, me.”

I squeeze her close to my chest. “And you’re one of the most awesome people in the world. Thanks for complimenting me on the article. No one other than you guys and a few teachers have said anything, and I’m curious what everyone else thinks.”

Now she puts her arm around me. “They think—no, theyknow—that our school harbors a future journalist who will change the world through her kindness, thoughtfulness, and huge heart.”

“And they’ll feel that through my articles? I don’t think so.”

“You kidding? Every one of your articles has a bit of your soul in it. And we candefinitelyfeel it as we read them.”

That causes tears to prick my eyes. “Willow, you’re going to make me cry.”

“Good.” She laughs as she squishes me to her body. “You have nothing to worry about because you’re special and your articles are special. There’s no one like you.”

I laugh, embarrassed, as I wipe my eyes. “Thanks. I can’t wait for you to share your app with the world. I know it’ll be a hit.”

She shakes her head as we pull out of the hug. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but my app is such a mess. I doubt I’ll have it ready for the coding competition.”

“Well, I believe in you. Let me know if you need any help.”

“Thanks.” She grips one edge of the newspaper. “Now let’s read your golden words for the trillionth time.”

We’re so absorbed in my words that we don’t hear Lily arrive until she calls over her shoulder, “Romeo, Romeo, ‘Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.’”

Xavier blows her a kiss, “Til death do us apart, my Cupid Lily.”

She giggles. “That’s not a line from the play.”

“Oh…” He bows in an overly exaggerated manner. “Please forgive me, my beautiful Lily.”

“Yo, Captain,” a few of his teammates say as they pass by. “What the heck are you doing?”

He laughs sheepishly. “Nothing. Just saying goodbye to my girl.”

“You romantic sap,” they say as they drag him away. He manages to blow her another kiss before he vanishes from sight.