Willow scoffs. “I don’t give a crap if some popular boy and his girlfriend broke up. I have better things to worry about. Like my darn app.”

“Any progress?” Liam asks.

She sighs. “It’s getting there, I guess.”

Everyone murmurs as Colton Andersen walks down the hallway, keeping his dirty blond head raised like he doesn’t care about the whispers. But it’s so obvious from the uneasy expression in his green eyes that he does.

“Can I pass?” he asks Willow, whose overstuffed backpack hanging off her back blocks his way.

Willow steps aside, then mutters, “Those popular kids think students like us should move for them like they’re royalty. He could have moved.”

“Willow, are you okay?” Ava asks. “You seem a little touchy today.”

“Sorry. I know he didn’t personally do anything to me.” She shrugs. “I just hate kids like him. He walks around like he owns the place.”

“Well…heisconsidered king of the school,” I tell her.

Willow scoffs again. “He’s notmyking.” She turns around and marches to English.

I shut my locker, slide my hand into Liam’s warm one, and the rest of us follow her.

Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for Willow and Colton’s story, coming soon. For updates, join myFacebook groupand/or sign up to mynewsletterand/or click on the “follow” button on my Amazon author pagehere.

Did you know that Chloe’s parents, Kara and Brayden, have an epic love story of their own? Check outQuarterbacks Don’t Fall for Invisible Girls, availablehere.

And did you know that Liam’s parents, Ally and Zack, have an epic love story of their own, too? Check outBad Boys Don’t Fall for Shy Girls, availablehere.

And don’t forget to check out the rest of the Invisible Girls Club serieshere.

Read on for a sneak peek from Don’t Kiss The Boy Next Door,available on Amazon

Chapter One


“Oh my gosh! Two hotties are moving in next door,” my best friend says from the window, where she’s peering out like a creeper. She whips around to stare at me with shining hazel eyes. “Did you know about this?”

Rising from my bed, where I’ve been diligently practicing for my audition tomorrow, I join her at the window and look out. Two guys with identical shades of black hair are carrying things from the moving truck into the Westons’ old house. They lived there practically my whole childhood, until Mr. Weston died and his wife was placed in a nursing home a few months ago.

I guess the house will be this new family’s now.

“No, I didn’t know,” I tell my best friend. Dad probably did, but it’s not like he and I talk much anymore, anyway.

Phoenix presses her face to the glass, her breath fogging it up. “They look our age, don’t they?”

I no longer have a clear shot of the guys because Phoenix is hogging the whole window. I only manage to see the top of their heads as they go to and fro from the truck to the house.

“Maybe,” I say.

“You’re so lucky,” she says, her face practically fused to the window. Any more and she’ll crash right through. “I wish two hot boys moved in next door to me. But nothing interesting ever happens on my block. All the good stuff happens on yours. Ooh!” She squeals when the two of them turn at the exact same time toward the direction of my window. “You think they’re twins?”

Because she moved over, I have a slightly better view of my new neighbors. Their faces are pretty similar and they’re tall, but everything else about them is so different. One of them, the one with the shorter hair, is built up like an athlete. His brother is much lankier, with hair that reaches just above his shoulders. He carries the stuff a little more carefully than the bigger guy, like he doesn’t want to damage his hands. I wonder if he’s some sort of artist.

Phoenix sits back with a sigh, pushing her dark red hair away from her face. “I can watch them all day.”

“That’s stalking,” I point out.