Mom playfully narrows her eyes at Dad. “She gets it from your side of the family. From now on, she’s your responsibility.”

Dad chuckles as he spins her in his arms and dips her again. “Half of her genes are yours. So half of her is your responsibility.”

“I’m heading in before you guys embarrass me,” Noah says and disappears into the hall.

Even though Mom is dipped, she grabs Dad’s suit jacket and presses her lips to his. The only things holding her up are Dad’s arms. That just shows how much she trusts him. I wish I had that, too.

I sigh.

Grandpa’s eyes jet to me. “You all right there, jelly bean?”

I blink. “Huh? Oh, yeah. Just, um…you know, teenage stuff. I’ll be okay.”

He puts his arm around me. “You sure?”

“Yeah. I’m heading in to see if my friends have arrived.”

As soon as I walk in, I almost trip over my feet. Because the place is breathtaking. Mesmerizing chandeliers hang from the ceiling, the floors have been polished so hard they sparkle, the tables are covered in the most elegant white tablecloths, the cutlery shines like diamonds, and the walls have been painted in the most intricate designs. Feels like I just walked into a royal party.

I spot Ava’s paternal grandparents and head over to wish her grandfather a happy birthday. Then Lily rushes over to me. “There you are! Come look at our table. They gave the kid and teens’ tables extra stuff. Like candy!” She grabs my hand and pulls me to a table in the back of the hall, which is right next to the kids’ table. Rylee and her friends are happily looking through their goody bags that seem stuffed with all kinds of goodies and toys. We have goody bags, too, but ours are filled with things geared to teens, like some tech stuff and gift cards.

“Score!” Willow squeals when she pulls out a memory card. “I ran out and wanted to buy one. And cool! A gift card to my favorite tech store.”

I laugh to my friends. “I think Willow just went to heaven.”

Ava and Lily laugh as well.

I look around the area, wondering where a certain person is…

“Liam’s talking to my grandparents.” Lily nods to a group of people to our left. Evie and Liam are conversing with Ally’s parents.

“Hey, Chloe!”

Something boings into my head. I look at Rylee, who nods to the object that plopped onto the table right in front of me. A squishy ball.

“You can have it,” she says with a smile. “There were two in here.”

“Thanks.” I squish it in my hand, feeling a little relieved as I watch Liam continue to converse with his grandparents. I think he’s the best-looking guy I’ve ever seen in my life, but it’s more than just superficial. He’s beautiful inside and out. He has one of the purest hearts in the world, is always looking out for the people he loves. He always puts my needs before his own. Even Catherine Robinson saw how forgiving and selfless he is and wants him to attend her school. Because Liam has a huge heart, and it’s reflected in his cooking.

As if he feels me watching him, his eyes suddenly snap to me. I startle for a second and tear my gaze away, squeezing the squishy ball. When I glance back at him a few seconds later, his focus is on his grandparents.

Looking at my friends, I notice that all of them have seen the exchange. But thankfully, they don’t bring it up.

More guests are arriving, including Aunt Bailey’s best friend Manny Delgado, with his wife and two sons. The boys settle down at the kids’ table and immediately dive into their goody bags while Manny and his wife sit next to Aunt Bailey and Uncle Zane. After a few more minutes, Xavier comes, and so does Aidan, along with his mom and sisters. Lexi rushes to plop down next to Brock, who saved her a seat and the goody bag that looks the most packed, and thirteen-year-old Skylar scowls as she stares at the kids’ table. She glances at the teens’ table with envy before once again scowling at the kids’ table. I get how she feels. She’s too old to sit with the little kids, but she’s a bit too young to be with the teens.

Following my gaze, Ava stands. “I’ll ask my grandma to add another seat at our table for Skylar. I think she’d be more comfortable with us than the kids.”

Aidan’s eyes shine like he’s never loved her more than he does now. “Thanks so much, Princess.” He kisses her. “Thanks for always thinking of my sisters.”

“Of course.”

Once her spot is set up, Skylar sits at the table with an elated expression. “This is so cool.”

“Welcome,” Ava says with a smile. “Just remember: what happens at the teens’ table, stays at the teens’ table.” She winks.

Skylar beams. “Of course! My lips are sealed.”

Liam and Evie have finished their conversation with their grandparents and make their way to our table. I feel his eyes on me, and when I peer up at him, I find them indeed pasted on me. I want to break my gaze, but for some reason, it stays planted on his face as he sits down. I miss him. So darn much. I miss smiling at him and laughing with him and talking to him without a care in the world. Now, every look seems to hold so much.