We manage to get everything other than the sauce on the plate and Chloe tries to make it look pretty. It appears really nice, just it’s obvious the sauce is missing.

But like I told her, I don’t blame her.

I wrap my arm around her and give her a bright smile as the judges taste Sienna’s dish. Chloe looks so sad and guilty. I tighten my hold on her.

“Liam, please bring us your dish.”

Even though there’s a big mistake, I’m proud of me and Chloe. We attempted something quite difficult and should be proud of ourselves.

After I describe the dish, Catherine frowns at her plate. “Was there supposed to be a sauce?”

“Yes, but it got burned and I decided not to serve it.”

She and the other judges nod. “Thank you, Liam.”

I thank them and return to my station. Taking Chloe’s hand, I give it a squeeze.

Once they’ve tasted everyone’s dish, they give us feedback. “Liam, your dish was delicious, but as you know, without a sauce, it was quite lacking.”

I nod. “Sorry about that.”

I can feel Sienna gloating.

“Excuse me, can I say something?” Chloe asks as she steps forward. “Please don’t penalize Liam for my mistake. I was the one who burned the sauce. So please don’t use it against him.”

The judges exchange a glance. “Thank you for that,” Catherine says. “Unfortunately, we have to judge the dish that was presented to us. And sadly, the dish had problems.”

Chloe nods slowly and steps back. I give her a grateful smile.

“I’m really sorry, Liam.”

I put my arm around her. “It’s okay.”

We get started on the last course—the dessert. This is Chloe’s grandma’s recipe, though we’re elevating it to make it more restaurant quality. Chloe’s the brains behind it, taking the lead. I know we’ll totally own this round.

There’s a gasp and when I look up, I find Sienna’s partner, clutching her palm. Blood drips down her hand.

“Medic! We need a medic!”

The medic tends to her, and although she’s okay, she can’t continue cooking. Sienna starts freaking out that there’s no way she’ll finish her dish in time.

“Chloe, you got this, right?” I ask her.

“Yeah, why?”

“I’m going to help Sienna.”

Her eyes shine. “That’s so kind of you. Go ahead. I know this dish backward and forward.”

I nod. “I’ll see if I can run back and forth and help you.”

She shakes her head. “That’s okay. Just help her.”

“Thanks for everything, Chloe.”

I dash over to Sienna, asking her what she needs done. Her eyes bug out and I can hear a hush fall over the audience.

“You want to help me?” She scoffs. “More like sabotage me. No thanks.”