Chloe’s freaking out, too. And that kills me because she’s once again working so hard for me.

“It’s okay,” I say to her. “Breathe.”

She nods unsurely. “Does this taste okay?”

I take a spoon, dip it into the dish, and taste it. “Salt.”

“Got it.”


The time flies by and the audience starts counting down the seconds. Chloe and I rush to put the last few items on the dish before Viraj says, “Time’s up! Hands in the air.”

We throw our hands up, Chloe giving me a relieved smile. We got everything on the plate.

“Let’s start with Liam,” Catherine says. “Please bring over your dish.”

Chloe and I carry the plates to the judges’ table at the other end of the stage. I describe the dish as they dig in, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

This is one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life.

“Thank you, Liam. Next, Sienna.”

Chloe and I return to our station and grin at one another. Whatever happens, the first course is done.

After Sienna, it’s Harper’s turn. Once they’re done with hers, they tell us what they liked and didn’t like about our dishes. For me, they claim the plating was a little messy. But they liked the flavors and it felt like a restaurant-quality dish. Chloe looks at me with wide eyes. From what it seems, Sienna and Harper made more mistakes. Does that mean I won the first round?

Now it’s time for the next course.

“I’m so nervous,” Chloe tells me as we start cooking. “Look, my hands are shaking.”

I place my hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. Forget about the competition and look at me.”

She brings her eyes to mine.

“Remember to breathe and relax. We’re in a competition, but I care more about you and your well-being.”

She takes a deep breath. “I want to win for you.”

“No. I don’t care about that. I need to make sure you’re okay.”

She nods again, inhaling another deep breath. “I’m okay.”

We work quickly to make up for the time we lost. So far, so good. I think we’re doing great.

“Oh no!” Chloe gasps from where she stands at the stove. The pot next to her has spilled over. “I burned it!” Tears fill her eyes and rain down her cheeks. “I burned the sauce.”

“It seems like Liam’s having some trouble,” Viraj announces to the audience as I rush to her side.

I wrap my arm around her. “It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” I glance at the clock. There are only two minutes left. Not enough time to make a new one.

“I’m so sorry.” She cries into my shoulder. “I was just so nervous.”

I draw back and place my hands on her shoulders. “This isn’t your fault. I don’t blame you, so please don’t blame yourself. Accidents happen all the time. We just won’t put the sauce on the plate.”

She bites her lip. “It needs sauce, Liam.”

I know it does. But I can’t serve the judges burned sauce. “It’ll be okay. Let’s finish up before time runs out.”