I’m quiet as I think over Lily’s words. Then I say, “I understand why he did what he did. I kept my feelings from him just like he did. I was scared to tell him how I felt, and he was scared to tell me how he felt. But all along, we both felt the same way.” I laugh lightly. “We could have avoided all of this if one of us was just brave enough to put themself out there. I guess wearepretty similar.”

“So what does all of this mean?” Lily asks. “Are you and Liam going to…?”

I sigh. “I don’t know. Even though I understand why he did it, I’m still hurt. I need some time to work through my feelings.”

Willow nods. “Yeah. It wouldn’t be healthy to rush into anything. You need time to reflect and assess.”

“The truth is, I’m glad Liam wrote the letters and not a stranger. I mean, it would have been better if he confessed his feelings to me, but I know he didn’t have malicious intent. He just couldn’t take his feelings anymore and had to do something about it. In a sense, he was braver than me because he actually did something while I continued hiding in my little corner. If he hadn’t done it, we would possibly be in the friend zone forever.”

They ponder my words and then Willow says, “True. This definitely got the ball rolling.”

“I know he’s my twin brother and I might be a little biased, but Liam is such a good guy,” Lily says. “I’ve always hoped he’d end up with someone kind and sweet. I know you’re not ready to explore anything with him right now, and I think you should take as much time as you need. But when you’re ready, don’t be afraid to explore what could be with him. I know my brother, and he will be the perfect boyfriend. When he loves, he loves with every fiber of his being. Just like my mom and dad.”

“And you,” Willow says with a smile.

Lily laughs. “Well, I didn’t want to soundthatcocky.”

Ava and Willow chuckle softly.

“It wouldn’t be weird if he and I…?” I shake my head. “I mean, it’s too soon to be thinking about this. But would it be weird?”

“Maybe at first,” Lily admits. “But we’ve been best friends forever, and we’ll get used to it. All we want is for you and Liam to be happy.”

“Definitely,” Willow says.

“Agreed. One thousand percent.” Ava smiles.

I play with a loose thread on my bed. “I don’t want to think about that right now. Honestly, I don’t really know what to think or how to feel. I need to take a few days and see how I feel afterward.”

“Whatever happens, we support you,” Lily says.

“Yeah. Whatever is meant to happen will happen,” Ava adds.

“Just do what’s best for you,” Willow tells me. “Not for anyone else.”

I nod and smile. “Thanks. I already feel so much better talking to you guys.”

We chat for a few more minutes before hanging up. I sit at my desk to occupy myself with homework. I know that Liam will be on my mind twenty-four-seven now. I only hope I’ll be able to work through my feelings and decide what really is best for me.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


It’s hard to write Mr. Love’s response for the advice column. Knowing that Chloe and the others will read it makes me feel a bit strange. But at the same time, I know I’ve been giving good advice, and this person needs my help. So as difficult as it is, I get it done.

It’s been a few days since Chloe and I had that talk. Things have been…different. We’re civil with each other, but that’s pretty much it. I’ve been keeping my distance from her, giving her the time she needs to make sense of her thoughts and feelings. I haven’t been pushing her or demanding anything. Really, we’ve hardly exchanged more than a few courteous smiles, hellos and goodbyes, and how are yous. I miss her like crazy.

If she doesn’t want a relationship with me or if she doesn’t want me in her life, then I’ll accept it. As hard as it is, I’ll put her needs before my own. Like I should have done from the start.

After I send Mr. Love’s response to Chloe’s school email address, I finish my homework, trying very hard not to think about her. Or what she’ll think of Mr. Love’s advice.

When I first started Mr. Love, I didn’t think anyone would take my answers seriously or even pay attention to me. But with each issue, interest grew and soon he turned into the highlight of readers’ experience.

It’s odd that I’ve never had a girlfriend but I seem to be able to help others with their love lives. I guess my parents have a lot to do with it. Mom and Dad have shown me what a loving, healthy relationship looks like, one I want to emulate.

With a special girl.Onespecial girl.

Sighing, I slump forward and close my school stuff. It can wait until later.