
“And I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me how you felt. I’m sorry I pushed myself to fall for the secret admirer instead of you. You’re amazing, Liam.”

He frowns. “No. Amazing people don’t hurt the people they love.”

“You made a mistake. We both did.”

He gives me a sad smile. “Talk to me whenever you’re ready. And if it’s never, I’ll accept that. I just want you to be happy.”

That makes a new batch of tears enter my eyes. “I want you to be happy, too.”

He makes a move like he wants to hug me, but shakes his head and steps back. After wishing me good night, he leaves my house.

I stare at the closed door, feeling even more confused than I did a few hours ago. I can’t fault Liam for doing what he did. He was so desperate to tell me how he felt that he jumped over hurdles. And I was no different.

Why couldn’t we just be open and honest with each other?


I go up to my room and plop down on my bed, starting a video chat with Ava, Lily, and Willow. One by one they pop up on my screen, each of them looking relieved when they see my face.

“Hey, guys,” I say with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry I haven’t returned your calls and texts. I’ve just been, um…”

“It’s okay,” Lily says with an understanding smile. “You don’t have to explain yourself. We’re just glad you’re okay.”

Willow and Ava nod.

“Thanks.” I puff out my cheeks. “Liam was just over. We had a long talk.”

They’re quiet until Ava asks, “Did it go well?”

“I think so. He explained everything to me.” I look at Willow. “He told me how you found out it was him.”

“Chloe, I’m so sorry I kept it from you,” she says. “I didn’t want to hurt you, but—”

“It’s okay.” I offer her a reassuring smile. “Liam’s your friend just as much as I am. You didn’t want to betray his trust. I get it.”


“So…” Lily’s brows furrow. “Are you and Liam good?”

I puff out some air again. “There’s a lot I need to think about. So many feelings to work through. Honestly, I’m relieved he and I feel the same way about each other. We—”

“Wait, wait, wait.” Lily’s eyes are wide. “Are you saying you like Liam, too?”

My cheeks flush. “Yeah. I’ve had a crush on him for years.”

Ava’s jaw falls open. “Sheesh, both of you liking each other under our noses. You guys aregood.”

“Wow.” Lily’s eyes are wider. “I don’t know why I’m surprised, though. You guys are perfect for each other.”

My stomach flutters. “We are?”

“Duh! You’re both so nice and kind-hearted and you have so many things in common. You guys love cooking and watching TV and hanging out together and you have an understanding. You justwork.”

“Agreed.” Ava smiles. “You guysdowork.”

Willow nods.