“I don’t want to talk about it,” I mumble.

Lily glances at her phone. “No texts from Chloe,” she says. “You guys?”

They shake their heads after checking their phones.

“Maybe she wasn’t feeling well?” Xavier says.

“Or she was upset about the secret admirer?” Aidan supplies.

Ava frowns. “But she wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.” She turns to me. “Did something happen?”

I puff out my cheeks. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

Lily sits down beside me. “But she’s our friend and we’re worried about her. Did the secret admirer show up and hurt her or something?”

“Yeah,” I mumble. “He hurt her.”

The others, except for Willow, exchange shocked glances. Lily gasps.

“What do you mean?” Ava asks. “What happened?”

Willow steps closer to me. “I think you should tell them.”

“Tell us what?” Lily asks. When neither I nor Willow responds, she turns to me. “What’s going on, Liam? Why are you acting so weird? And what’s this big secret that Willow knows but the rest of us don’t?”

My gaze meets Willow’s and she nods for me to go for it. She’s right—the others have a right to know.

Taking a deep breath and slowly releasing it, I slump forward and rub a hand down my face. “He’s me.”

“What?” Ava asks.

I glance up, my eyes lingering on each of my friends. I can’t get the words out. It’s just too painful. And they’ll probably hate me for hurting Chloe.

“What are you talking about?” Lily asks.

I wish Willow would just say it for me, but this is something I need to do. I take another breath. But I shut my mouth because I can’t do it.

Willow doesn’t take her eyes off me, urging me to get the words out. I know I need to, but I just can’t. This will destroy everything. A sixteen-year-long friendship.

Lily looks from me, to Willow, and back to me. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on before I completely lose it?”

I squeeze my eyes shut because I can’t bear to see their reaction. “The secret admirer. Mr. Love.”

“What do you mean?” Lily prods.

My eyes are still shut. “I’m him. I’m the one writing on the advice column and I’ve been sending Chloe those letters.”

The room is dead silent. I don’t dare open my eyes. I don’t want to see their anger, disappointment, confusion.

Someone places their hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay, man,” Xavier says. “Just—”

“What the heck are you saying?” my sister demands. “You’rethe secret admirer?”

My eyes open and I force them to move to her. But I don’t say anything because there’s a large boulder in my throat.

Ava moves closer. “It’s been you all this time?”

I nod, my throat still tight.