“What?” I ask.

His chest deflates as he continues to look intensely into my eyes, guilt and regret climbing onto his face. He lifts a shaky hand to my cheek and whispers, “Mr. Love, the secret admirer…it’s all me. I’m sorry.”

With my heart leaping into my throat, I step back, causing his hand to drop. “What…what are you talking about?” I whisper.

He squeezes his eyes shut for a second as he releases a breath. “They’re me. I’m them. Both Mr. Love and the secret admirer.”

I take another step back, my eyes widening in disbelief and confusion as I stare at him. “Wait a second. You’re…you’re…”

He nods.

“All this time…?”

He nods again.

I continue staring at him like I’ve never seen him before in my life. My head hammers and my heart pounds and my body shakes uncontrollably. I think I’m going to faint.

Liam takes a step toward me, raising his hand. “I’m sorry, Chloe. I—”

“This is a joke, right? You’re trying to make me feel better or something because he didn’t show.”

“No. He’s not showing because he’s standing right in front of you.”

I just gape at him. “So you’re saying…you let me wait there for over an hour knowing he wouldn’t show. You just let me stand there like a moron.”

“No! I tried to tell you—many times—but you kept pushing me away. You just wanted to get rid of me.”

“Because you were always so negative about him! You hated him. I thought you were trying to protect me…” I gasp as I gape at him again. “But you weren’t trying to protect me. You were just playing me. All this time.”


“Why did you do it?” Tears well up in my eyes and spill down my cheeks. “How could you do it?”

“Because I…” His mouth snaps shut and a large swallow makes its way down his throat. “Because I…” He huffs. “It’s because I’m in love with you, okay? I’ve been in love with you for years and you never noticed.”

I once again just stare at him. Did he just say he’s in love with me? Ten minutes ago, I would have jumped for joy to hear those words. But now? It feels like he’s taking the sharpest knife and stabbing me right through the heart.

“Someone who’s in love with someone wouldn’t…” My tears make my voice crack. “They wouldn’t hurt them like this.”

His eyes hold nothing but pain. “I know. I’m so sorry, Chloe. I didn’t mean for it to go this way—”

“No. I can’t…I can’t…” My vision is so blurry because of my tears. “I need to get out of here.”

“Please. Let me explain.”

“Explain what? That the guy who I thought was my best friend was playing me all this time? Who are you, Liam Hastings? Because you’re not the boy I grew up with. You’re…” I blink, causing my vision to clear up. “You’re a horrible person.”

He looks like I just slapped him across the face. Hard. “Chloe…” Tears drip down his cheeks, too, as he reaches for me. “I wasn’t playing you—”

“Leave me alone! I never want to see you or speak to you again.” I push past him and run away, tears continuing to rain down my cheeks. I find my parents sitting at a table with their friends, chatting and laughing, as though the world is one big happy place. It’s not. My world has just crashed down on me and buried me under layers and layers of debris.

Liam…the boy I’ve loved for so long…

How could he hurt me like this?

“Mom, Dad, can we please go home?”

When my parents glance at me, their expressions grow concerned. “What’s wrong, honey?” Mom asks.