I present her with the plate of food. “Thought you might be hungry.”

She glances at it, then away. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

“Are you sure? Tastes delicious. Not as delicious as our food, but still decent,” I joke.

She looks at me with heartbroken eyes. “Liam,” she says in a low voice. “He’s not coming.”

My stomach muscles clench. “Chloe.”

“You think I’m silly for waiting for him. You never believed in him. Maybe you were right all along. I shouldn’t have fallen…” She chokes up. “I’m so stupid.”

I take her hand with my free one. “No, you’re not stupid. He is. But…” I take a deep breath and slowly release it. “Maybe he’ll still come. Or…” I glance around. “Maybe he’s here, just hasn’t worked up the courage to talk to you.”

She’s quiet as she ponders my words. “You think so?”

“Y-yeah. He’s probably watching you, thinking you’re so beautiful and amazing. Maybe he doesn’t feel like he can measure up.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “You’re defending him now?”

“I’m trying to understand him. No. I’m trying to make you feel better.”

She groans. “Great. So now you think I’m pathetic.”

“No. Chloe, please don’t twist my words. You’re not pathetic. He’s a jerk for chickening out.”

She gives me an incredulous look. “Now you’re judging him again when two seconds ago you were defending him.”


She sighs heavily. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. But why would he lie? What’s he so scared of? Whatever it is, I won’t judge him or hold it against him. I just want to meet him.”

I’m right here, Chloe.

My mouth opens to say the words—just pull the Band-Aid right off—but they get stuck in my throat.

“Maybe I’ll wait a bit longer,” she says, forcing a smile. “The night is still young, right? He has time to show up.”

I nod encouragingly. “Yeah—he has time.”

She smiles again and holds out her hand for the plate of food. “Thanks.”

“Of course.”

“I don’t want to be too distracted and miss him, so I’ll just grab another cookie. Do you mind saving this for me?”


“Thanks, Liam.”

I nod.

She looks at me. “Um, can you…?”

“Right. You want me to leave. Sorry.”

I push a grin on my face, fetch my plate of food from where I left it, and find a table where Uncle Zane and Aunt Bailey are taking a break from dancing.

“Hey, kid,” Aunt Bailey says.