Ava and Aidan stare into each other’s eyes with pure love. They’ll also be together forever.

My gaze moves to the rest of the Four Musketeers and their husbands. They’re all so happy and in love and I’m…

I’m just watching them and knowing that it will never happen to me. Someone could argue and tell me I shouldn’t pine after Chloe. That it’s not healthy, but I don’t care. She’s the only one for me.

And I messed it up. Even if there’s a teensy weensy chance that she has feelings for me, she’ll drop them the second she learns who her secret admirer is.

Man. I’m so stupid.

“Hey,” my cousin Zoey says as she, Mia, and Rylee stand before me with plates filled with food.

I straighten up and force a smile. “Hey, kids. What are you doing here? Aren’t you still grounded?”

“Noah insisted he hang out with his friends tonight,” Rylee tells me. “And since Mom and Dad have been looking forward to this ball for weeks and there’s no one to watch me to make sure I ‘stay out of trouble’, here I am.”

“Same,” Zoey and Mia say.

“Cool. You guys having fun?”

Mia shrugs. “Meh. The food’s good, though.”

“Did you see Brock and his girlfriend?” Zoey asks with a chuckle as she points to her brother and Lexi. “He had tobegher to dance.”

I smile an empty smile as I watch the two of them on the dance floor, trying to figure out the whole dancing thing. Even my eight-year-old cousin found a girl to hold in his arms. While I stand here, wishing Chloe would…

“You don’t look so good,” Rylee observes. “Where’s Chloe?”

Still waiting for her dream guy to show up. Why am I doing this to her?

The room gets so hot I can hardly breathe.

“In the hallway. I need some air.”

Rylee scans me from top to bottom. “I think that ridiculous suit is killing you.”

“It’s not ridiculous,” Zoey argues. “I think my big cousin looks very dashing.”

I’m barely listening to them because my thoughts are a mess and my body is overheating with guilt and worry.

I leave the girls and pull my jacket off, swinging it over my arm and making my way outside. The cool air feels good as it slams into my face.

I can’t do this. I can’t stand there and watch her dreams get crushed. But what can I do? She won’tletme tell her the truth. The second I get close to her, she pretty much tells me to take a hike. And I get it. She’s worried the “secret admirer” will see her with someone else and run away.

I remain out here for a bit, trying to collect my thoughts and calm down. I don’t know what will happen tonight—I think that’s what’s stressing me out. I came to the dance with the intention to tell Chloe the truth. I can’t stand lying to her anymore, even though I know everything will change.

But I need to do the right thing.

After taking a few gulps of air, I return to the ballroom. The couples are still dancing to that slow song. The entire place has such a serene feel to it. No wonder everyone loves the ball. If I had a girl in my arms, I’d never let her go. And when I mean girl, I’m referring to a specific one.

Peeking into the hallway, I find Chloe still at the meeting spot, wringing her hands. She’s frantically glancing around, squinting her eyes when she spots a guy who might be her secret admirer. And when he either passes by or takes a turn, her entire body deflates.

My heart urges me to go over to her, but my feet are planted in place. She’ll just shoo me away again and I don’t think I can handle it.

I keep myself busy by packing food onto a plate so my eyes won’t flit in her direction. But of course they venture there anyway. Chloe looks really sad. No, crushed. It’s the look of someone who just had her heart broken.

After placing my plate on the table, I fill another with goodies and make my way over to Chloe.

Instead of looking ticked off that I’m ruining her epic meet-up with her guy, she perks up, as if she’s relieved to not be all alone in her corner.