Once again, I was standing right there—right there—and it didn’t even cross her mind that I’m her guy.

Sighing, I give her an encouraging smile and wave, then slouch into the ballroom where Willow stands near the punch. Lily, Xavier, Ava, and Aidan are killing it on the dance floor.

Willow keeps her gaze on me as I make my way back to her. She practically pushed me toward Chloe when it was time for the secret admirer to reveal himself.

“What happened?” she asks. “You went over to Chloe and…?”

I shake my head. “She thought I came to protect her. You know, scope out the guy, maybe kick his butt if he threatened her. Not that I can actually do that, but you get the point.”

Her eyebrows furrow.

I release a heavy breath. “You see? Even when I’m trying to be honest with her, she doesn’tseeme.” I squeeze my eyes shut for a second. “Forget it.”

“No. You have to try again.”

I glance at her, then toward the hallway where Chloe still waits. Maybe once she realizes her guy isn’t coming, she’ll finally notice me?

I take a deep breath. “Okay. Attempt number two.”

Willow pats my back, then once again practically launches me outside. When Chloe sees me approaching, she gives me a disappointed and slightly frustrated face.

“Liam, please. I told you to go away. Sorry, I’m trying to be nice, but…”

I step closer. “Chloe—”

“He’ll show up,” she says with a brave smile. “I know he will.”

“That’s not what I—”

She waves at me to quiet down when a guy makes his way over to us. My heart catapults out of my chest. Who is he?

He’s wearing a mask, so I can’t see his face. Chloe perks up like she’s been zapped with electricity. I can feel the excitement leaping off her.

And that really makes me feel like crap. I’m right here.

The guy nods to us before walking past us to the bathrooms. Chloe releases a heavy puff of air and lightly bangs her head against the wall. “Darn. I thought that was him.” She turns to me, as if she forgot for a second that I’m standing beside her. “Liam, please. You might scare him off.”

“But Chloe…”


I gaze into her beautiful eyes for what feels like hours before nodding and walking away from her. This time, I don’t glance back. I can’t bear to see her looking around for her special guy.

A guy who will never come.

“So?” Willow asks, munching on potato chips.

I shake my head. “Every time I try to tell her, she basically tells me to get lost. She won’t even consider that I’m him.”

Willow’s eyes soften. “You’re her best friend.”

“And that’s the problem, isn’t it?” I puff out my cheeks. “I need fresh air.”

As I walk toward the exit, I turn around and take in all the dancing couples. Mom and Dad are wrapped in each other’s arms as they sway to the soft beat of the slow song. Her cheek is pressed to his and his eyes are closed, as if he’s in a magical, perfect world. Yeah, with Mom by his side, his life is pretty much perfect. He’s told us stories of when he was my age and pushed Mom away because he didn’t think he was good enough for her. But Mom pushed back and they’ve been in love ever since.

Watching them usually makes me feel good, but now I just feel rotten. The only girl I love and will ever love sees me as nothing but a friend. A fellow Swordie. Never in a million years would she love me like Mom loves Dad.

And then there’s my twin sister. Lily’s in Xavier’s arms, resting her head on his chest. They also look like they’re in a magical world. I know we’re only in high school, but those two will be together forever, just like our parents. I can feel it.