Peter arrives with the limo. We gather inside, each and every one of us giddy and excited, even Willow. Our parents will meet us at the ball.

“I can’t believe I have a guy to share such a magical night with.” Lily snuggles in Xavier’s arms. She throws me a smile. “And it won’t be long before Chloe has her special guy, too. Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to see the two of you dancing together. It’ll be so romantic.”

Liam shifts in his seat. When I glance at him, he looks away and asks Aidan a question.

Willow clears her throat. “So I’m looking forward to the trivia game. I can’t wait to win money for charity. And the person who answers the most questions correctly wins an Xbox. I want to get it for Mia.”

“That’s so sweet, Willow,” Ava says.

“Thanks. I’ve been pushing her away lately and want to make it up to her. WillowBot broke her Xbox the other day when she stole her. I shouldn’t reward her for stealing my robot, but I feel bad for not spending time with her.”

Lily wraps her arm around her. “You’re a good sister.”

“I try.”

We talk about other topics on the drive to the ballroom, and my fingers wring in my lap. I try telling myself not to freak out because I don’t want to be a nervous wreck when I meet the secret admirer, but the closer we get there, the more my heart feels like it’s going to jet out of my throat. And when we pull up before the building, everyone else slides out of the limo while I just sit here, continuing to wring my fingers.

Ava slips back inside and snakes her fingers through mine. “I know you’re nervous, but he’ll love you, Chloe. You’ll make him the happiest person in the world, and I know he’ll make you the happiest person in the world, too.”

“I feel like it has to be perfect.”

She lays her head against mine. “Nothing has to be perfect. It’s okay if things are a little weird and awkward in the beginning. But you know he’s a good person, and he thinks the world of you. If it’s meant to be, it’ll work out.”

I wrap my arms around her. “Thanks so much. I don’t think I could do this without you and the others.”

She returns the hug.

I follow her out of the limo and slip my mask on. Many people, adults and kids of all ages, are heading into the ballroom. There’s a charge in the air. As nervous as I am, every part of me beats with anticipation. I feel like I’m in a dream.

My friends and I enter the ballroom, each of us marveling at the place. They decorated it beautifully. There are tons of people here, but the room is so large it doesn’t really feel like it. I smile at the many unique masks. It adds to the vibe.

“There’s food. I’m starving.” Willow makes a beeline for the refreshment tables. They are filled to the max with so many different varieties of food, snacks, and drinks. My friends follow her and start piling things on their plates, but I don’t think I can get anything down.

I settle on a cookie and take a small bite, my eyes surveying the area. I wonder if my guy is here yet. I have no idea what he looks like, so even without a mask, he could be anyone. There’s still some time before he and I will meet. I wonder if he’s as nervous as I am.

“Time to dance!” Ava reaches for Aidan’s hand and pulls him to the dance floor, calling behind her, “You guys coming? Willow, Chloe, and Liam, you can join us, too.”

“Yeah, come,” Lily tells us as she and Xavier follow Ava and Aidan with their hands interlocked. “It’ll be a blast with all of us dancing together.”

Liam, Willow, and I exchange a glance.

Willow shrugs. “I’ve got some time to kill before the trivia game.”

“I have two left feet, but sure.”

“You don’t have two left feet,” Liam says. “You’re a great dancer.”

I burst out laughing. “You’re sweet for trying to make me feel better, but we all know how terrible I am.”

Liam shakes his head. “All that matters is that you’re having fun.”

“Agreed,” Willow says as she slides her hands into both of ours. “We shall attempt to have fun.”

The three of us join the lovebirds and start shaking our bodies. Liam’s right—as long as I’m having fun, who cares if I look like a fool?

With that notion, I let go and enjoy my time with my friends. Maybe I’m releasing all of my nerves and stress and negative emotions and keeping only the good ones. Because I want to have the time of my life tonight, with my friends and then with my secret admirer.

“Look at you!” Ava says with a laugh. “Chloe is such a boss.”