The others leave the room. I’m about to follow them, when I remember I forgot to put something on. I hurry to my bag and rummage inside.

“Chloe?” Liam asks. “You’re not ready?”

“I forgot something.” I carefully pluck out the jewelry case.

“What’s that?” Liam asks as he comes closer to me. I flick it open and stare down at the gorgeous necklace. “Wow. That’s really pretty.”

“It was my grandmother’s. My grandfather gave it to my mom on her wedding day and she’s passing it down to me. I want to wear it on special occasions.”

“Like the day your secret admirer finally reveals himself to you?”

I slowly move my eyes to him. “I’m so nervous, Liam.”

He swallows and then puts on a smile. “It’ll be okay.” The corners of his lips tremble a little. “Don’t worry. You’ll have an amazing night.”

“I hope so. I hope my grandmother will be with me tonight and make sure I have a wonderful evening.” I carefully take out the necklace from the case and sit before Ava’s vanity. Looking at my reflection, I try to clasp the necklace around my neck. “Ugh, my hair’s getting in the way.”

“Can I?” Liam offers.

I go still for a second, then nod with a thankful smile.

He steps closer to me, the front of his suit jacket grazing the back of my dress. The area that’s bare tingles when the soft fabric touches my skin. I feel the warmth from his body enter mine, and that causes a small shiver to pass through me.

Slowly, he takes the necklace from me, his fingers touching mine and causing my heart to sprint. As though he’s handling something extremely precious, he puts the necklace around my neck and fastens the clasp. He leans forward, his cheek inches from mine, and murmurs, “You look stunning, Chloe.”

I slowly turn my head. Our lips are a few inches apart.

“You’re always beautiful,” he whispers. “And you’re so special. One of the most amazing people in the world. I—”

“Chloe? Liam?” Lily pops into the room. “What’s going on? We’re ready to leave.”

Liam stumbles back. “I was just helping Chloe with her necklace.”

“It’s so pretty. You look like your grandma, you know. I’ve seen pictures.”

“Yeah?” I clutch the pendant. “I feel closer to her. I hope she brings me luck when I finally meet my secret admirer.”

Lily grins. “Of course she will. You, Chloe Barrington, are going to have the best night of your life.”

“I hope!”

I get up and follow Lily out the door, then stop and turn around. “Liam?”

He’s standing in the same position with his gaze trained on the floor, a troubled look in his eyes. Is he worried the secret admirer won’t be who he claims to be? I know I should be careful and not lower my guard completely, but I can’t help it. Iwantto believe he’s everything I’ve dreamed of. I want to be positive and trust that all this is meant to be.

“You coming, Liam?”

He blinks. “What? Yeah, I’m coming.”

“Don’t forget your mask.” I point to the blue one sitting on the table. Mine is dark purple and black.

“Right.” After sweeping it up in his hand, he follows me toward the front door, where the others are gathered and waiting.

“Hey, Xavier and Aidan.” Liam fist bumps them. “You guys ready for a wild night?”

“Bet the girls will make sure we have a great time,” Xavier says with a chuckle.

“No doubt,” Aidan agrees.