Chapter Thirty-One


I nearly jump for joy Monday morning when a note tumbles out of my locker. My secret admirer and I haven’t been in contact over the weekend, and let’s just say it’s been tough.

Good thing I had Liam’s competition to distract myself with. I’msoproud of him.

I know it’s not healthy to be obsessed with my secret admirer, but I don’t really care. He makes me happy. So even though the bell will ring soon, I unfold the pages and read his beautiful words.

Dear Chloe,

I’ve been thinking about you a lot over the weekend and I’m ready for you to know who I am. We’ve been exchanging quite a few letters and I know I can trust you. Be totally and completely open with you. I’m sorry it has taken me this long.

I’ll be attending the masquerade ball. Will you be there as well? If yes, I’ll be looking for you. And I’ll reveal myself to you.

I admit I’m very nervous, but you make me feel happiness and joy that I haven’t felt with anyone else.

Thank you for being so patient and understanding, Chloe.


Your Secret Admirer

I read the note over many times, my eyes flitting over the words like they’re catching a train. He wants to reveal himself to me? Oh my gosh.

“Oooh, did he say something romantic?” Lily gushes as she slides over to me. The others gather around me, too. “That look on your face tells me your heart is melting.”

I press the note to my chest as a happy sigh escapes my lips. “You guys won’t believe this. He wants to reveal himself to me at the masquerade ball!”

“What?” they exclaim. “That’s awesome!”

I smile down at the note. “He says he’s ready.” I glance up as my eyebrows furrow. “Guys, this is actually happening. What if…?” My voice trails off.

Lily lifts a brow. “You’re disappointed?”

I shake my head. “No. What if he doesn’t like me? I mean, he thinks he knows me, but does he really? Even though we’ve exchanged letters, we never met face to face.”

“Chloe, of course he’ll love you,” Willow tells me. “Everyone loves you.”

I take a deep breath. “I have an image of him and I’m pretty sure he has an image of me. I’m just worried he won’t like me.”

Liam places his hand on my arm. “If he doesn’t like you, then it’s his loss.”

The others nod in agreement.

“So…I’m going to the ball,” I whisper.

Lily squeals. “We’re totally going with you! For moral support and to watch over you in case he tries something.”

Liam’s eyes harden. “He better not. But um…the masquerade ball? Really?”

Lily clutches her heart. “It’s been years since we’ve gone, and now I have someone to go with.”

“Me too!” Ava says.

And me as well. Oh my gosh. I mightdancewith my secret admirer.

“Life is good, isn’t it?” Ava says. “Liam made it to the finals of the cooking competition and Chloe’s going to meet the man of her dreams. Isn’t it exciting?”