I very much look forward to your next letter.


Your Secret Admirer

My cheeks hurt from the huge smile that has taken over my face. My friends and I are in the hallway Tuesday morning. Lily asks for the note, and I’m about to pass it to her, but Willow snatches it from her hand.

“Hey! Me first,” Lily protests.

“Now that Chloe and her man are getting closer, I think the rest of us need to stay out of it.” Willow holds the letter out to me. “This is something private between you guys. Don’t be scared to be real with him, Chloe. I think the more genuine and honest you are, the more comfortable he will be. And hopefully, it won’t be long before he reveals himself to you.”

Ava nods. “Willow’s right. We’ve all been too nosy. Keep him to yourself, Chloe. Just keep us in the loop, okay?”

Lily’s frown disappears. “Sorry. I guess I’m so invested in you guys that I didn’t realize we stepped out of line. He’s all yours, Chloe.” She smiles.

“Thanks, guys.” I hug the letter to my chest. “I think this has been his most authentic letter yet.”

Liam rubs my shoulder again. “Just remember what I told you. Let me know the second you feel uncomfortable.”


They head to class while I remain at my locker and read the letter for the millionth time, my cheeks hurting even more.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


The entire gang of Barringtons, Hastings, Parks, and Knights are coming to watch Chloe and me compete in the first round of the Young Chefs of Tomorrow cooking competition.

I’m in way, way over my head. Chloe and I have been practicing and the dishes are solid, but I’m up against fierce competition.

On the drive to Silverton, Mom glances at me. “You doing okay?”

I force a smile. “Hanging in there.”

Lily, on my right, squeezes my shoulder. “You’re going to kick everyone’s butts.”

I try to laugh, but I’m too frozen with nerves. Evie, on my other side, is finishing up the posters she made with “Liam is #1,” plus a few others for our family and friends to wave around in the audience.

Uncle Zane, Aunt Bailey, and my cousins will come watch me compete as well. And Aunt Amanda, her husband Alejandro, and my cousin Alex hope to attend, too. So we’re going to have quite the cheering squad.

We arrive at the building and get out of the car. Those who aren’t competing aren’t allowed inside yet, so my family will take in the sights while Chloe and I are inside.

As soon as her parents drop her off, she wraps her arms around me. “I’m so excited for you,” she whispers against my chest.

I hold her close. “Thanks, Chloe.”

She glances up at me with a smile that makes her entire face shine. I’m so glad we’re back to normal and can put whatever happened at the motel behind us. Chloe’s pretending like it didn’t happen and I try to do the same. But it’s hard for me not to think about it here and there.

She takes my hand, and together we make our way into the building. The other contestants are there as well and we’re instructed to sit down and listen to the events that will happen today.

They go over the rules a few times to make sure everyone’s on the same page. Soon, the audience starts filling up. We can hear them from where we’re gathered in a separate room.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants. They handed us chef coats with the competition logo on the front, and for the first time I feel like a real chef. Like I’m about to start my day working in a restaurant. Just thinking about it makes me very excited about the future. Whether or not I win the scholarship, this is definitely something I want to do with my life.

Viraj, the host, steps out into the audience and welcomes everyone. The contestants are standing backstage, getting ready to be introduced. Chloe takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. Did I mention she looks adorable in her chef coat?

“Let us meet your teen contestants!” Viraj announces. One by one, he calls the contestants and their schools. It sucks that they’re not introducing the helpers, too. Chloe should be recognized for all the great things she’ll do.