Her head is angled in a way where I can see her face clearly. She looks so peaceful and relaxed, her hair covering her left cheek. I wish I could run my hand through it, feel the silky strands.

This is the closest I’ve ever been to her and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. Heck, I don’t mind this at all. My thoughts venture to places they shouldn’t venture to—Chloe and me many years down the line, married and waking up like this every morning.

Stupid, my brain yells at me.She doesn’t like you like that.

I shut my eyes to try to get more sleep, but my thoughts are too active with this beautiful girl lying so comfortably on my chest.

So I keep my eyes open and try not to watch her. I know she’d be very uncomfortable about that. I busy myself thinking about yesterday and how much fun we had.

I’m not sure how much time passes before she begins to stir, pressing herself even closer to me. She lets out a sigh, as if she’s in her happy place and doesn’t want to leave.

Her eyes slowly flutter open and she looks straight at me. She blinks and looks around, the motel room and everything that happened probably entering her brain. She looks at where my arms are wrapped protectively around her and her face grows deep red.

“Sorry,” I say in a low voice. “Guess we fell asleep on each other.” I unwrap my arms from around her and scoot over. “I didn’t want to wake you.”

She slowly sits up, tucking some hair behind her ear. “It’s, um, fine. Thanks for not waking me.”

“Of course. We had quite the night.”

She nods, her mind seeming to be somewhere else. “What time is it?”

Reaching for my phone, I check the time. “After eleven. Dang, we must have been beat, huh?”

She gives me a small smile. “Pretty standard for you on a Sunday, eh?”

I chuckle. “Kinda.”

We’re both quiet.

And quiet again.

I look at her, but she’s looking anywhere but at me. Why are things so awkward?

She tucks more hair behind her ear, then grabs her phone to check her messages. “My parents want to know what’s going on.”

I peer at my phone. “Same.”

We quickly update our parents that we’re fine. Mom tells me the roads have cleared up and bus service has been restored, though there are many delays. We should grab something to eat and come home. Chloe’s Dad tells her the same.

“I’m starving,” I say as I pat my stomach. “Those sandwiches didnotfill me up.”

She just smiles kindly.

Darn it. We just fell asleep in one bed, all snuggled up—a moment I’ll remember forever. Why do things have to be so awkward between us?

Do I make her uncomfortable? Is she upset that I kissed her cheek? I don’t know why I did it. It just happened.

“Chloe…about last night…”

She gets to her feet, shoving the blanket out of the way. “Going to the bathroom.”

“Oh, sure,” I whisper.

I don’t want things to be weird between us. If things are weird now, I can only imagine what would happen if we dated. This is why Ineedto keep my distance from her. I’m terrified to lose what we have.

She emerges from the bathroom, then I go. After I’m done, I find her sitting on the bed, her mind once again in a different place.

“Want to grab something to eat?” I ask her. “There’s a bus leaving in two hours. Figured we could pack our stuff, check out of the motel, and eat.”