Chapter One


“Guys…I have a secret admirer.”

I stare down at the piece of paper in my hands, the one that fell out of my locker when I opened it five minutes ago. My eyes soak in the words for what must be the millionth time.

Dear Chloe,

Hello. You don’t know me, but I’ve been debating whether or not I should hand you this note or hide it in my desk drawer. After much deliberation, I decided to go for it. Please, feel free to toss this away if you’d like, but I hope you’ll continue reading.

Chloe, you are such an inspiration to me. I’m in awe of you. From the moment I read your first article in the Edenbury High Times, I knew you were special. You have opened my eyes to topics and issues I have never thought about before. You’ve made me see the world in a different light. I find myself questioning things, challenging my beliefs, debating with others. I look forward to reading your articles every month.

I know writing this letter is a little strange, but I haven’t worked up the courage to face you in real life. I hope to one day, but for now, you have my words on this paper.

Please keep writing and inspiring others. Like I said, you are a very special person.

I look forward to reading more of what your brilliant mind has to offer the world.


Your Secret Admirer

My friends stare at me, each of them with a different expression. Lily Hastings thinks this is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me, and her boyfriend Xavier Hall agrees. Ava Knight is super curious and hopeful, but her boyfriend Aidan West seems a little wary. Willow Park appears overprotective and skeptical, and Lily’s twin brother Liam…well, he’s made it quite clear that he thinks the author of the note is a creepy stalker and that I should throw it out.

But me? I have no idea what to think.

As I absorb the words on the note—for the millionth and one time—a warm, fuzzy feeling invades my insides. Someone at school likes me? Who can it be?

At the same time, I know this could be a prank. My friends and I are basically invisible at this school, and no one really notices us. But there is one person who likes to make our lives a living hell—Paisley Abberton. She’s totally capable of doing something like this.

“I can’t believe this!” Lily bounces on her heels with a squeal, her light brown hair flapping behind her. “Someonelikesyou. But who???” She peers around the hallway with wide gray eyes, as though the author of the note will magically pop out of his hiding place and profess his undying love for me. But as usual, the halls are full of kids who are laughing and talking and paying no attention to us.

“Why did he write a note, though?” Willow asks with creased dark brows. “That’s so outdated.”

“Maybe he’s shy?” Aidan suggests. “It’s not easy telling someone how you feel.”

“Getting love notes is soooo romantic,” Lily gushes.

I frown at the note. “But I don’t talk to anyone other than you guys and the newspaper team. I don’t think anyone here says a single word to me.”

“He must be shy then,” Ava concludes, playing with her luscious, wavy dark brown hair. “That just makes him even more mysterious!”

Liam folds his arms over his chest with a huff. “I said it once and I’ll say it again. This is creepy.” He holds up his finger at his twin sister with narrowed gray eyes. “Before you say anything, Lily, this isn’t a romance book or movie. This is real life. And there are some real sickos out there.”

We girls scowl at him.

“What? It’s true.”

“But there are some really great guys out there, too,” Lily points out. “Sweet guys who might be perfect for Chloe.”

“There are,” Xavier agrees.

Liam gestures to the students gathered in the hallway. “At Edenbury High? Doubt it.”

He might be right. We’ve been going to the same school with these kids for years. I’m sure I would know if there was a sweet, kind, caring guy who had the potential to be the perfect guy for me.

Lily whacks her brother’s arm. “Don’t burst Chloe’s bubble. Let her have this.”