‘No,’ he commanded. He grabbed her hands and placed them on his chest. ‘That’s my job. You don’t move.’

He drifted his fingers up her sides, eliciting a deep shiver that brought a satisfied smile to his lips. Her bra came undone a second later and he glanced down at her heavy breasts.

‘Do you know how long I’ve waited to taste these?’ He cupped one globe in his hand, lowered his head and flicked his wet tongue repeatedly over her nipple.

Fire scorched through her veins and her head fell back as pleasure surged high.

‘Theo,’ she gasped as he delivered the same treatment to her other nipple. Caught in the maelstrom of sensation, she wasn’t aware her nails were digging into his pecs until he hissed against her skin.

‘Take my shirt off, querida. I want to feel those nails on my bare skin.’

Fingers trembling, she complied with his demand, pulling the shirt off his broad shoulders and down his arms before giving in to the need to caress his bronzed skin. Heated and satin-smooth, his muscles bunched beneath her touch as she explored him.

But, much too soon, he was pulling her hands away, catching her around the waist and striding to the bed.

Depositing her in the middle of the king-sized bed, he stood staring down at her, one hand on his belt. The power and girth of him knocked the breath out of her lungs and a momentary unease sliced across her pleasure.

So far, Theo hadn’t commented on her inexperience but the evidence would become glaringly apparent in a few minutes. She opened her mouth to tell him but he was crawling over the bed towards her, his intense focus paralysing her to everything but the pleasure his eyes promised.

He kissed her again, deeper, more forceful than all the times before. She gave in to her need and buried her hands in his hair, scraped her nails along his scalp and won herself a deep groan of pleasure from him. His lips moved along her jaw to nip her earlobe before going lower to explore her neck and lower.

Once again, he suckled her breasts and once again she lost the ability to think straight.

‘You love that, don’t you?’ he observed huskily when he raised his head.

‘Sim,’ she groaned.

‘There are many more pleasures, anjo. So many more.’

His lips trailed down her midriff…he kissed his way to the top of her panties before he gripped the flimsy material in his hands. Expecting them to be ripped off—a notion that made her wildly breathless—she was surprised when he slowly and gently lowered them down her legs and drew them off.

Equally slowly, taking his time to savour her, he kissed her from ankle to inner thigh. When his mouth skated over her secret place, her hips arched off the bed in delirious anticipation.

She’d never imagined she’d want a man to go down on her but now she couldn’t imagine not feeling Theo’s mouth on her heated core.

At the touch of his mouth, she cried out, her body twisting as pleasure scythed through her. He tasted her so very thoroughly, his tongue, teeth and lips working in perfect harmony to drive her straight out her mind.

She slid ever closer to breaking point, both fearing and yearning for what lay ahead.

Theo slipped his hands beneath her bottom and pulled her even closer to his seeking mouth. With quick expert flicks of his tongue, he sent her careening over the edge.

Her scream was an alien sound, hoarse and pleasure-ravaged, her grip on the sheets tight as she was buffeted by blissful sensation.

He continued to kiss her until she calmed, then kissed his way up her body to seal her mouth with his.

The earthy taste of her surrender seemed to trigger an even more primitive reaction in him. By the time he lifted his head, his eyes were almost black with hunger.

‘Did Blanco make you feel like this?’ he grated.

She shook her head. ‘No.’

Satisfaction gleamed in his eyes. ‘By the time I finish making you mine, you will not remember anyone else who came before me.’

Knowing he would discover her inexperience in a matter of minutes, she took a sustaining breath and blurted, ‘I never slept with Constantine. Theo, I’m a virgin.’

He froze in the act of reaching for a condom. Several expressions raced over his face before he spoke. ‘So I’m to be your first lover?’