Then he sat back and ate the remaining piece.

She eventually managed to swallow and cast around for a safe topic of conversation that didn’t involve her father or the dangerous emotions arcing between them.

Whether he noticed her floundering or not, she smiled gratefully when he asked, ‘Did your mother grow up around here?’

‘No, both she and Camila grew up near the Serra Geral, although she spent part of her childhood in Arizona where my grandmother was from. Their fathers were ranch-owning gauchos and neighbours but after they both married they moved to Rio and stayed in touch. Camila is like a second mother to me…’

‘Da Costa Holdings isn’t a cattle business, though,’ he replied, then stiffened slightly.

She smiled quickly, wanting to hold onto the animosity-free atmosphere they’d found. ‘No, after my grandfather died, my mother sold the ranch and let my father expand the company instead.’ She breathed in relief when Camila returned with their wine and first course.

The older woman’s warm smile and effusive manner further lightened the mood. By the time she took her first sip of the bold red wine the slightly chilly interlude had passed.

Theo complimented her on the food choice and tucked into the grilled fish starter. The conversation returned to safer topics and eventually turned to his previous career as a championship-winning rower.

‘Why did you stop competing?’

He shrugged. ‘I tried a few partners after Ari and Sakis retired. The chemistry was lacking. In a sport like that chemistry is key.’ He topped up her wine and took a sip of his own.

‘You’ve been lucky to have had the opportunity to do something you loved,’ she replied wistfully.

His smile looked a little taut around the edges. ‘Luck is a luxury that normally comes along as a result of hard work.’

She glanced down into her wine. ‘But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, fate has other ideas for you.’

His eyes narrowed into sharp laser-like beams. ‘Yes. But the answer is to turn it to your advantage.’

‘Or you can walk away. Find a different option?’

One corner of his mouth lifted. ‘Walking away has never been my style.’

She slowly nodded. ‘You wouldn’t have won championships if you were a man who walked away.’

His expression morphed into something that resembled gratitude. She couldn’t claim she understood all his motives but she was beginning to grasp what made Theo tick. As long as he could see a problem in any area of his life, he would not walk away until it was resolved. It was why he was the troubleshooter for Pantelides Inc.

She’d watched footage of him rowing. His grit and determination had held her enthralled throughout the feature and she would be lying now if she didn’t admit it was a huge turn-on.

‘But there’s also strength in walking away. You walked away from rowing rather than risk partnering up with the wrong person.’

He stiffened. ‘Inez…’

She fought the urge to back down. ‘I don’t want to mess up our truce but I want you to just think about it. There’s no shame in forgiving. No shame in letting the past stay in the past.’

His eyes grew dark and haunted. ‘What about my demons?’

‘Do you have a cast-iron guarantee that they will be vanquished by the path you’ve chosen?’

He frowned for several seconds before his eyes narrowed. ‘You’re right. Let’s not mess up the truce, shall we?’


‘Anjo. Enough. Have some more wine.’ He smiled.

And, just like that, her pulse surged faster. Hell, everything he did made her pulse race. She took a sip and licked her lips as the languorous effect of the wine and the captivating man sitting opposite her took hold.

She really needed to stop drinking so much. She pulled her gaze from the rugged perfection of his face as Camila returned to offer them coffee.

Inez declined and looked over to see his eyes riveted on her.

‘I think we need to get you back to the boat.’

Laughter that seemed to be coming easier around him escaped her throat. ‘You make me sound as if I’ve been naughty,’ she said after Camila collected their empty plates and left.