Page 88 of Stripped Bare

“We’re overdressed,” he said, unzipping her dress down the side.

He did it with an efficiency that made her blink. He knew his way around cocktail dresses. In another second he had it down over her shoulders and pooling at her ankles.

“No fair,” she murmured. “You have a lot more buttons.” She worked her way down his shirt one by one as he took her mouth with a hungry, demanding kiss.

He had her bra off while she was still struggling with the second button on his dress shirt.

“I’ll help you.” Sullivan stepped back and just lifted the shirt up and over his head with it mostly still buttoned. He shoved his pants down and bent over to remove his socks.

It put his mouth very close to her pussy and he rubbed his mouth across the front of her panties, startling her. “Mmm.”

She wasn’t even sure how the panties were still on, but it was a good thing they were. The evidence of his orgasm was easing out of her into them and she found it unbelievably fulfilling that Sullivan hadn’t even asked if she was on birth control. He, of all people, knew what the responsibility of being a parent entailed and yet he had no concerns that she could get pregnant. He wanted forever with her and that was clear.

Now was a good time to tell him though.

His socks were off and he had hooked his index fingers on either side of her panties and was sliding them down.

“I’m not on birth control.” She held onto his shoulders when he tapped her calf, indicating she should lift her foot.

“Good. We’re not getting any younger.”

Edwina laughed, heat pooling in her core. “That’s not what I was expecting you to say.”

“I’m very unpredictable.” He shifted, flicking his tongue over her nipple. “For example, did you know I was going to do that?”

“Do what? Not care if we make a baby? No, I didn’t know that.”

“No, I mean suck your nipple.” He repeated the action. But then he stood up and rested his hands on either side of her face, expression intense, eyes dark. “I want to make a baby with you. I can see what an amazing mother you’ll be and I’ve watched the ache in your eyes when you’ve watched my sister and my friends with their babies. I can’t wait to be the man who gives you motherhood, because you’re going to rock it. Just thinking about it makes me want to fuck you.”

He always knew exactly what to say to her.

She’d arrived back at his house nervous that she couldn’t satisfy him and by just being him, he was reassuring her every step of the way that she was enough. She was more than enough. She could see how attracted to her he was.

He got very… growly.

Like now.

He wrapped his arms around her and growled into her ear as he walked her back toward the shower. He turned the water on and tested the stream with his hand. “Is that okay, Ed? If I fuck you?”

She nodded. “Yes. Fuck me.”

She tried not to blush, even as she felt turned on by repeating his words. Dirty talk came easily to other women, she was sure, but not to her. She struggled with the basics. She wasn’t sure why, except that maybe she’d spent her childhood having her mother trying to prim and proper her up.

Add in various insecurities over the years that had nothing to do with her mother and somehow she’d just become a timid bedroom talker. The insecurities she’d conquered, the sexy talk she hadn’t.

If Sullivan could pull this much out of her with barely any effort, she could only imagine what she’d be saying in a year. She couldn’t wait to find out.

“Get in that shower.” He gave her a gentle nudge.

She stepped into the tub/shower combination and decided at the last second to twist up her hair. She didn’t want to deal with her thick hair getting fully wet. Of course, it had the added benefit of showing off her smaller chest to full advantage.

Sullivan made a sound in the back of his throat and came at her with grabby hands. “You wet is the happiest I’ve ever been,” he stated emphatically. “I’ve been fantasizing about this moment since you were in that bikini in the lake.”

It was becoming obvious to her that Sullivan was never going to leave her doubting he wanted her. He was already skimming his hands up and down her body, outlining all the contours of her curves.

She decided to do a little exploring of her own. She reached for his cock, squeezing the base of the shaft. “I’ve been doing some fantasizing of my own.”

His eyes narrowed. “Oh, yeah?” His nostrils flared when she stroked up and down the length of him under the stream of hot water. “Tell me all about it.”