“I would very much like that chance,” I say, fighting a smirk when Kayley murmurs, “I thought you might, Mr. Bossy,” beneath her breath.

Bossing Kayley around in the bedroom is my new favorite hobby.

It’s even more fun than driving a dogsled for the first time in my life. Which, considering this experience is fulfilling a lifelong dream, is really saying something.

When we’re done, my arms are aching and my throat is raw from calling to the dogs, but I can’t remember the last time my heart was this full.

Back in the lodge, I can’t resist pulling Kayley into a big hug. “Thank you,” I say into her sweet-smelling hair. “That was amazing.”

She laughs as her feet leave the floor. “My pleasure. I love making holiday dreams come true for my guests. And my boy toys.”

I set her down and pull back, locking my gaze with hers as I whisper, “I’m not a boy, a toy, or a guest. I’m a grown man who’s fully aware that you’re doing your best to dazzle me out of that property.”

She arches a flirty brow. “And how’s that going? Are you dazzled yet?”

“I’m getting there,” I say. “But you know what they say—turn around is fair play. You wouldn’t deny me the chance to dazzle you in return, would you?”

She cocks her head, clearly curious. “What sort of dazzling do you have in mind? I was going to invite you to stay here again tonight, but if you have something up your sleeve…”

“I’d love to stay here again,” I say, thoughts already racing with a wickedly seductive idea. “That will actually fit in with my dazzling plans nicely.”

Kayley’s nose wrinkles. “Oh, man, now I’m so curious. I confess, I love a surprise. The more unexpected, the better.”

“Then you’re going to love what I have in mind,” I say, positive I’m right.

I have a sixth sense where this woman is concerned. I know how to please her—in bed and out of it—and I’m going to pull out all the stops to give her as wonderful a surprise as she gave me.

* * *

By six o’clock, all my plans are in place.

By seven, I’m leading Kayley blindfolded into the elevator and pressing R for the rooftop. Her staff helped me assemble the elements of my surprise, but I crept away while Kayley was showering to set the scene myself.

When it comes to this woman, I like doing the hands-on work to please her.

She shivers as we step out of the elevator and tightens her grip on my hand. “Should I have brought my coat?”

“No, you’ll be warm in a second,” I say, guiding her to the small table by the heat lamps in one corner of the roof. When we’re close enough to feel the warmth on our faces, I grip her shoulders, bringing her to a stop before reaching for the scarf tied behind her head. “Your dinner, milady.”

She swipes a hand over her hair and blinks, her eyes widening as she takes in the elegantly set, lantern-lit table filled with several of her favorite foods. “Oysters, chilled lobster, crusty bread,andfancy lemon asparagus?” She shifts her head, gazing up at me. “How did you know?”

“I bribed the chef,” I confess. “And the owner of The Aviary Lodge.”

She frowns, glancing toward the mountains on the horizon before turning back to me. “The Aviary Lodge?”

Before I can answer, the first of the fireworks explode through the night. She gasps, her hands flying to cover her mouth as she turns to look up at the bright streaks of gold and silver filling the air. “But they only do fireworks for special events,” she says, laughing as a giant, heart-shaped firework blooms overhead.

I wrap my arms around her from behind, watching the display over her head. “You’re a special event.”

She tilts her head back, meeting my gaze upside down. “And you’re dangerously charming. If there’s champagne in that bucket, I may have to declare you the winner of the dazzle contest.”

“I’ll pour you a glass while you watch the show,” I say, kissing her forehead before I add, “And it isn’t a contest. It’s just a case of…mutual appreciation.”

As I pour her a glass, I’m pretty sure I hear her murmur, “At this rate, I’m going to appreciate myself right out of a mountain,” but she’s wrong.

I’m already making contingency plans.

When you feel this way about someone, you don’t want to crush their dreams.