Page 95 of Power

“How did you know he told me that?”

“Oh, heavens, he was here—”

“He was here?!”

“Yes! He came looking for you. We stuck our ground. But he’s very handsome. Convincing even. Your father invited him on his next hunting trip.”

My jaw drops, dragging on the floor. I shake my head. “I’m sorry. I’m gonna need you to repeat all this because what the hell, Mom!”

“I think you need to hear him out.”

“I will do no such thing.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“Then you can stay here and always wonder.”

“What would I wonder? I know everything I need to know.”

“The truth, honey.” Then she turns and walks away.

The truth? What the hell does that mean? “What does that mean?” I shout to no one. I know the truth. Does she want me to hear it again? Not a chance.

I walk across the hall and take another peek out the window. Three days. Poor James. Caught in the crossfire. I take a few deep breaths to center myself. The least I can do is go home. Relieve James of this silly assignment. He’s probably hungry and misses his family.

I knock on the window, getting his attention. When he peers up at me, I hold up my hand, motioning I’ll be right out. My mom is right. I’m an Evans. I got this.


On the ride home, I make a mental note of everything I need to do. My mother refused to let me out of the house before I showered, so that’s done. Food is next. Now that I have some of my fire back, I’m starving. Then it’s time to conquer the world. Find a job. Maybe reach out to my old instructors and beg for referrals. Worst case, I can move to Antarctica, where no one knows me, and get a job as a cook. Maybe find a nice fisherman and live out my days smelling like fish and happiness.

Okay. Scratch all that. Let’s just start with the basics. If memory serves, a nice packet of beef ramen is waiting for me at my apartment. . .

“Um, James.” I look out the window. “This isn’t the way to my apartment.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Evans. I have strict orders to deliver you straight to Mr. Monroe if and when you leave your parents’.”

That conniving. . . “James. Stop the car.”

“I was instructed not to, Miss Evans.”

“Fine, I’ll jump out.”

My heart rate quickens, and my breathing comes out in chopped pants. I can’t do this. I’m not ready to hear his excuses. I’m not strong enough to tell him no. Because I miss him so much. And I refuse to give in to temporary pleasure only for the long-term pain thatwillfollow.

“James, I’m serious. Pull over and open this damn door!” He finally does as I say. The door to the car opens, and I hurry out, straight in front of Theo’s building.

Theo stands there barefoot in a pair of fitted sweatpants and a T-shirt. His hands are hidden in his pockets. He looks at me, his face blank.

“More tricks from you? Nice. Tell James to take me home.”

“Not before we talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you.Wehave nothing to talk about.”

“We do.”

I throw my hands up. “I beg to differ.” I walk in the opposite direction, but he stops me.

“Five minutes. That’s all I ask. If you still want to leave after that, I’ll let you, and you’ll never hear from me again.”