“Ah, the man of the hour has arrived,” Kyle says. I turn around, and my heart drops to my stomach. Theo walks in looking more gorgeous than ever, and he takes my breath away.
I empty my glass a second time and grab a new one.
Employees surround him, wishing him a happy birthday. He shakes hands, his eyes searching the terrace. I scoot to use Kyle as a barrier, but I don’t need to worry about Theo seeing me because he's turning to someone behind him who grabs his attention.
His father.
And Alana Hill.
“Damn, who’s the blonde?”
My hands begin to shake. How is my glass still empty? “More champagne.”
“No—more champagne.” My chest burns. Kyle grabs me another, and I guzzle it down.
“How are you doing that? Don’t the bubbles—”
“Shut up.” Fuck. My glass is shaking. My entire body is. Alana sashays up to him and leans forward, placing a kiss on his cheek.
“Should we go say—”
“No. Please don’t leave me.”
“Are you okay?”
No. I’m far from okay. Alana looks like a goddess. She threads her arm through his. They are the true power couple. “You don’t look good. Are you still sick? Probably should slow down on those.”
“I think I need a refill.” I turn and grab another glass, this one going down just as fast as the others. The problem is they’re not numbing the pain or stopping the hurt fast enough. I make the mistake of looking their way. Our eyes collide, and as much as I need to, I can’t look away. I hate him and love him at the same time.
Alana presses her hand on his shoulder and whispers something in his ear. I hate that she’s here. That he so easily flaunts her in front of me.
I turn to Kyle. “I need a favor.”
“Kiss me.” Without giving him a chance to reply, I grab his tie and bring his lips to mine. I hold my breath until I can’t bear it and pull away.
“Geez, I didn’t know you—”
“Wanna get outta here?” I’m trembling.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Cool, let’s go.” I grab his hand and pull him toward the exit. Theo steps in my direction, but his father blocks him, allowing us to make a clean break. We exit the building, and I burst into tears.
“Hey, whoa. You okay?” Kyle asks. And why wouldn’t he wonder? I’m acting completely insane.
“Yes. Totally. Why wouldn’t I be?” I can’t even say it without hiccupping.
“I mean, it’s kind of obvious.”
“Yeah, don’t know what you’re—”
“It’s okay. I’m not going to say anything. It’s just. . . I caught you two last week.”